Explanation: Android Native Device Info: Grab native device info like OS, Model, Brand, SDK Version and CPU. These AS3 classes uses Adobe AIR for Android to grab an Android system file named /system/build.prop, parse it and store its values in an nice value object for you to use. This parsed information is mainly used for analytics. Usage: var deviceInfo : NativeDeviceInfo = new NativeDeviceInfo(); deviceInfo.addEventListener(NativeDeviceInfoEvent.PROPERTIES_PARSED, handleDevicePropertiesParsed); deviceInfo.setDebug(false); deviceInfo.parse(); private function handleDevicePropertiesParsed(event : NativeDeviceInfoEvent) : void { NativeDeviceInfo(event.target).removeEventListener(NativeDeviceInfoEvent.PROPERTIES_PARSED, handleDevicePropertiesParsed); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.OS_NAME.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.OS_NAME.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.OS_VERSION.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.OS_VERSION.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.OS_BUILD.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.OS_BUILD.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.OS_SDK_VERSION.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.OS_SDK_VERSION.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.OS_SDK_DESCRIPTION.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.OS_SDK_DESCRIPTION.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_MODEL.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_MODEL.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_BRAND.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_BRAND.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_NAME.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_NAME.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_VERSION.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_VERSION.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_BOARD.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_BOARD.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_CPU.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_CPU.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.OPENGLES_VERSION.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.OPENGLES_VERSION.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.LCD_DENSITY.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.LCD_DENSITY.value); trace(NativeDeviceProperties.DALVIK_HEAPSIZE.label + " - " + NativeDeviceProperties.DALVIK_HEAPSIZE.value); } For more information on the use of this Class, take a look at: http://www.funky-monkey.nl/blog/?p=675 Author: Sidney de Koning, 10-11-2010 sidney@funky-monkey.nl
Grab native device info like OS, Model, Brand, SDK Version and CPU. These AS3 classes uses Adobe AIR for Android to grab an Android system file named /system/build.prop, parse it and store its values in an nice value object for you to use. This parsed information is mainly used for analytics.