
choices, reasons and links to learning this stack


choices, reasons and links to learning this stack


The app is a CRUD application which requires a database and a server backend and an async front end.

Backend choices

  • Why JS(node)
    JS can be a very unforgiving language at first but it has a ton of help online and also there is a more active community. AKA not so easy to f*** up and get away with it.

  • Why Python
    Python is an easy enough language to pick up and it has more uses outside of web development so it will be more useful even if you don't want to continue doing web backend in future. EG AI/Viz/ML etc etc etc.

Also, when compared to other languages, support is more or less stable at python 3.x with most people moving over from python 2.x.

Techs and tools
  • JS
    you can pick sails for something full featured or express for something lighter, more modular.

  • Python
    Django == full featured, Flask == modular.



Technologies and tools
  • MVC frameworks These come with everything you want but tend to be very bloaty EG Angular

  • V libraries These make views more recyclable (React/Vue)

  • CSS frameworks bootstrap/materialize/material design lite

  • Charting d3js
