
A distributed flask REST API built on heroku, web client at workless.netlify.com

Primary LanguagePython

Workload API

Local instance

To access workload API locally, clone this repo and run pip install -r requirements.txt once in the directory and either:
1. export FLASK_APP and run with flask run and go to localhost:5000
2. run with python backend.py (python must be version 3) and go to localhost:5000
3. run with gunicorn wsgi and go to localhost:8000

API calls

Once application is running, access the application via a browser and append the /api extension then continue below.

To view staff totals, append /stafftotals.

To view offerings, append /offering.

To view patterns, append /pattern.

To view activities, append /activity.

To view units, append /unit.

To view staffs, append /staff.

To view locations, append /location.

To view activities of a certain pattern, append /activitylookup/{pattern_id}. (pattern_id is a unique key integer)

To view periods by id, append /periodlookup/{period_id}. (period_id is a unique key integer)

To view periods of a certain location, append periodoptions/{location_id}. (location_id is a unique key integer)

To view offerings of a certain staff, append /offeringlookup/{staff_id}. (staff_id is a unique key integer)

To view total costs and total casual hours, append /costing.

To edit staff, append staff/{staff_id} and post the json in the format:

	"fraction":<some float max 1>,  
	"supervision":<some float>,  
	 "research":<some float>,  
	 "service":<some float>,  
	 "extra":<some float>,  
	 "service_description":<some text max 128 char>,  
	 "comments":<some text max 128 char>   

To edit offering, append offering/{offering_id} and post the json in the format:

	"confirm":<some boolean>,  
	"enrolment":<some integer>,  
	"tutorial_to_staff":<some integer>,  
	"tutorial_to_casual":<some integer>,  
	"staff_id":<some integer>

To add new offering, append /new/offering and post the json in the format:

//mandatory fields  
	"unit_id":<some int>,  
	"pattern_id":<some int>,  
	"period_id":<some int>   
//optional fields (these fields have either have default values or nullable)  
	"confirm":<some boolean default false>,  
	"enrolment":<some int default 0>,  
	"tutorial_to_staff":<some int default 0>,  
	"tutorial_to_casual":<some int default 0>  

To add new pattern, append /new/pattern and post the json in the format:

//mandatory fields  
	"code":<some unique string max 8 char>,  
	"location_id":<some int>,  
	"mode":<some char 'D' or 'X'>,  
	"activities: [{  
		"activity_id":<some int>  
	}. {  
		"activity_id":<some int>  
//optional fields (close the json before this comment if the fields below are not needed)  
	"description": <some string max 64 char no default>,  
	"long_description": <some string max 256 char no default>,  
	"student_per_group": <some int default 0>,  
	"hour_per_tutorial": <some int default 0>  

The last four methods do not allow bulk inserts.

To edit multiple staffs, append update/staff and post the json in the format:

	<staff_id> : {  
	2 : {  
	//this is staff id 2  

To edit multiple offerings, append update/offering and post the json in the format:

	<offering_id>: {  
	3 : {  
	//this is offering id 3   

To view the status of longer computational jobs, append results/<job_key>. (job key is given after any update and edit as a result. statuses include saving and saved.)