
A simple web forum for Django

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple web forum Django application

Environment setup

python3 environment setup. You can use either virtualenv (documentation) or virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper (documentation) installed.

  • virtualenv

    Create new virtual environments directory, e.g. venvs

    ~$ mkdir venvs
    ~$ cd venvs/

    Create new virtual environment

    ~/venvs$ virtualenv -p `which python3` melb-django

    To start working on django-python3 virtualenv

    ~/venvs$ cd melb-django/
    ~/venvs/melb-django$ source bin/activate

    To stop working on django-python3 virtualenv

    (django-python3) ~/venvs/melb-django$ deactivate
  • virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper installed

    ~$ mkvirtualenv -p `which python3` django-python3

    To start working on django-python3 virtualenv

    ~$ workon django-python3
    (django-python3) ~$

    To stop working on django-python3 virtualenv

    (django-python3) ~$ deactivate


  • (django-python3) prompt change at your terminal indicating you're on django-python3 virtualenv.


  1. Create new working directory

    (django-python3) ~$ mkdir melb-django
    (django-python3) ~$ cd melb-django/
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django$ 
  2. Clone the git repository

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django$ git clone https://github.com/funkybob/django-dequorum.git
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django$ ls
  3. pip install requirements

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django$ cd django-dequorum/
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/django-dequorum$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Test Django installation

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django$ python3 -c "import django; print (django.get_version())"
  5. Setup Django project

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django$ django-admin startproject proj 
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj$ ls
    django-dequorum  proj

dequorum app setup

  1. Add dequorum folder as symbolic link

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj$ ls
    proj  manage.py
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj$ ln -s ../django-dequorum/dequorum/ .
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj$ ls
    dequorum  proj  manage.py
  2. Add dequorum app to INSTALLED_APPS

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/$ cd proj/proj/
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj/proj$ vim settings.py
  3. Add dequorum.urls to your url tree

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/$ cd proj/proj/
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj/proj$ vim urls.py
    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        url(r'^dequorum/', include('dequorum.urls')),

Using the provided accounts app

  1. Add accounts folder as symbolic link

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj$ ls
    proj  manage.py
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj$ ln -s ../django-dequorum/accounts/ .
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj$ ls
    accounts dequorum  proj  manage.py
  2. Add accounts app to INSTALLED_APPS If you want to use the provided login/logout templates you must put accounts before django.contrib.auth in INSTALLED_APPS.

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django$ cd proj/proj
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj/proj$ vim settings.py

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django$ cd proj/proj
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj/proj$ vim settings.py
    AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'accounts.User'
  4. Add accounts.urls to your url tree, ideally as:

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django$ cd proj/proj
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj/proj$ vim urls.py
    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        url(r'^accounts/', include('accounts.urls', namespace='accounts')),

Related blog post http://musings.tinbrain.net/blog/2014/sep/21/registration-django-easy-way/

Run the app

  1. Run syncdb and create createsuperuser

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/proj$ ./manage.py syncdb
    Operations to perform:
    Apply all migrations: sessions, contenttypes, admin, auth, accounts, dequorum
    Running migrations:
    Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
    Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
    Applying accounts.0001_initial... OK
    Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
    Applying dequorum.0001_initial... OK
    Applying dequorum.0002_auto_20150129_1019... OK
    Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
    You have installed Django's auth system, and don't have any superusers defined.
    Would you like to create one now? (yes/no): yes
    Password (again): 
    Superuser created successfully.
  2. Run the server

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/$ ./manage.py runserver
  3. Open the browser


    To login


    If you successfully logged in, you will be redirected to /accounts/profile with 404 error. to fix

    To post new thread (you need to login first)


To contribute

  1. Fork the repository

  2. How to keep your forked repository updated

    Your current remote repository.

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/django-dequorum$ git remote -v
    origin  https://github.com/funkybob/django-dequorum.git (fetch)
    origin  https://github.com/funkybob/django-dequorum.git (push)

    You need to add another remote repository.

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/django-dequorum$ git remote add hack https://github.com/$github_username/django-dequorum.git 
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/django-dequorum$ git remote -v
    origin  https://github.com/funkybob/django-dequorum.git (fetch)
    origin  https://github.com/funkybob/django-dequorum.git (push)
    hack    https://github.com/za/django-dequorum.git (fetch)
    hack    https://github.com/za/django-dequorum.git (push)

    replace $github_username with your github username.

  3. See the github issues

  4. Make changes and commit at your hack repo.

    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/django-dequorum$ git add .
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/django-dequorum$ git commit -m "contribute to issue #99"
    (django-python3) ~/melb-django/django-dequorum$ git push hack master
  5. Make a pull request