Playing with github, golang and travisCI

Build Status


This is simple ping-pong demo server that listens to / on port 8080 written in golang. It accepts POST requests with json with following syntax:


If request is correct the response will be in following format:

{"greeting":"Hello, YOUR_NAME"}

In case of error following json will be returned:


This repo contains travis CI integration and in case there is tag and all tests passed it will upload docker image as GitHub package, where image tag is the tag of git.

Curl usage example:

# curl -X POST -d '{"name":"world"}' localhost:8080
{"greeting":"Hello, world"}

Travis CI


In order to utilize travis CI on your fork, connect TravisCI to your repository. Set following env variables for that repo:

DOCKER_USER - your user name on github

DOCKER_PASSWORD - API token for github

DOCKER_REGISTRY - registry to push to, e.g. for Packages on github mine is set to

DO NOT forget to update badge in the head of this README to link to your build status


Each commit will trigger build tests

Each tag will result in new image pushed as


Manual builds

Build binary

Following will generate helloworld binary in root directory

cd helloworld
# optionally run tests
go test ./...
go build 

Build docker

cd helloworld
docker build . -t helloworld

Run docker manually

docker run --name helloworld -d -p8080:8080 helloworld # docker port 8080 is binded to host port 8080

Update running image

# pull latest changes 
git pull 
sh scripts/

Script above will do following:

  1. It will rebuild image as helloworld:latest from latest code
  2. Try to stop previous instance (in case you have one running already)
  3. Start docker with name helloworld while binding 8080 port of docker to 8080 on host.