
USB HID keyboard firmware for tinygo

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

USB HID Keyboard firmware for TinyGo

The API is not yet fixed.

TinyGo 0.29 or later is required to build tinygo-keyboard 0.2.0

The following are supported.

  • key input
    • squared matrix scan
    • matrix scan / duplex-matrix scan
    • rotary encoder
    • GPIO
    • UART
  • layer feature by mod key
  • mouse click / mouse wheel
  • support TRRS (UART)
  • support Vial
    • rp2040 and nrf52840 are supported
    • atsamd21 and atsamd51 will be supported in TinyGo 0.30


The following microcontrollers are supported.

  • rp2040
  • nrf52840
  • samd51
  • samd21



$ tinygo flash --target xiao-rp2040 --size short ./targets/sgkb/left/
$ tinygo flash --target xiao-rp2040 --size short ./targets/sgkb/right/
name amount
Cherry MX / Kailh Choc V1 72
key cap (1u) 68
key cap (1.5u) 1
key cap (1.75u) 1
key cap (2u) 1
key cap (ISO-ENTER) 1
Stabilizer (2u) 1
diode 1N4148 72
xiao-rp2040 2
pin header 1x7 4
TRRS connector 2
TRRS cable 1




$ tinygo flash --target wioterminal --size short ./targets/wiokey/
name amount
Cherry MX / Kailh Choc V1 6
key cap 6
diode 1N4148 6
wioterminal 1
pin socket 2x20 2


$ tinygo flash --target xiao-rp2040 --size short ./targets/sgkey/
name amount
Cherry MX / Kailh Choc V1 6
key cap 6
diode 1N4148 6
xiao-rp2040 1
i2c ssd1306 1
register 10k ohm 2


$ tinygo flash --target xiao-rp2040 --size short ./targets/fric10key/
name amount
Cherry MX / Kailh Choc V1 27
key cap (1u) 26
key cap (2u) 1
Stabilizer (2u) 1
diode 1N4148 27
xiao-rp2040 1

Gopher Badge

$ tinygo flash --target gopher-badge --size short ./targets/gopher-badge/

GoBadge / PyBadge

$ tinygo flash --target gobadge --size short ./targets/gobadge

MacroPad RP2040

$ tinygo flash --target macropad-rp2040 --size short ./targets/macropad-rp2040/

Restore default keymap

Set the key with the key code of 0x7C03, and then press it.
Then a reset will restore the default keymap.
See #8.

Restore default keymap (tinygo flash)

Restore default keymap each time it is reset by specifying --tags reset_to_default.
Note that in this setting, any changes made from Vial or other sources will immediately revert to the original setting.

$ tinygo flash --target wioterminal --size short  --tags reset_to_default ./targets/wiokey


The following PR changes are required for all keys to work properly. However, most keys will work without the following PRs.

With the previous configurations, keycodes larger than 0x73 cannot be sent. For example, we cannot send Left Windows (0xF0E3).
