
Formatter for Dragory's modmail bot.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Modmail Bot Formatter

This is a formatter for the generated logs, using ejs and Bulma for templating and styling.




In your config.ini, add the following line:

plugins[] = npm:funkyhippo/modmailbot-formatter

Then restart your bot.


Your logs will automatically be formatted, with colour-coded messages and formatted markdown.

Getting plaintext logs

If you need the plaintext log for some reason (for example, to share without the extra styling), use the verbose=true query parameter. For example:


Getting simple logs

This behaviour hasn't changed. You can still use simple=true to get the logs with just the log between the user and responder. Note that you can also combine this with verbose=true (?simple=true&verbose=true) to get the plaintext simple log.

Changing chat colour mapping

The plugin currently recognizes the following colours:

  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Teal
  • Dark*
  • Grey*

* Dark and grey are the same in dark mode.

The message types are split into 5 different categories: toUser, fromUser, chat, system, and legacy. The default colours are:

Type Colour
toUser grey
fromUser dark
chat green
system blue
legacy red

You can change the default mappings in your config.ini file, under the formatterPlugin configuration.

For example, if you wanted to make all your messages green, your modmailbot's config.ini might look like this:

formatterPlugin.toUser = green
formatterPlugin.fromUser = green
formatterPlugin.chat = green
formatterPlugin.system = green
formatterPlugin.legacy = green

Or if you wanted to change your chat colours to red, you can add the following line to your config:

formatterPlugin.chat = red

And so on.


In order to maintain some backward compatability, the verbose=true query parameter has been hijacked. If you ever use that view, do not use this plugin.

Setting your storage type as attachment will also nullify this plugin, returning the original plaintext.