
my old cms from 2005 (can do everything and too much)

Primary LanguagePHP

Funkylab 2.20


Funkylab is a CMS originally done in php4 in "spaghetti pure style".

This version is full compatible php5, but keep the good old shitty code :)

This CMS is here just to study. You will discover how was made CMS in 2005.

GitHub : https://github.com/funkymed/funkylab2


Cyril Pereira http://www.cyrilpereira.com


See the file data/doc/FunkylabV2.19.6.doc

How to install

You need to make a vhost like this :

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName funkylab2.local
  DocumentRoot /your_path_files/web/
  DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
  <Directory "/your_path_files/web/">
      AllowOverride All
      Options +FollowSymLinks
      Order allow,deny
      allow from all

add this url to your hosts file funkylab2.local

make the directory web/image in chmod 777 :

chmod 777 web/image

create a database called 'f2' and load the data/dump/bddfunkylab2.sql file in it.

In commande line :

mysql -u root f2<data/dump/bddfunkylab2.sql

Edit the config file web/admin/config/config.bdd.url.php

  $host = "localhost";
  $user = "root";
  $pass = "";
  $bdd  = "f2";
  $url  = "http:/funkylab2.local/";
  $emailpost  = "admin@funkylab.net";

and voilĂ  you can now see the website on http://funkylab2.local


You will found the source of the widget in data/widget/sources_widget The widget is coded with yahoo widget engine (ex konfabulator) and can found in data/widget