
A simple loadbalancer design for running a loadbalancer _outside_ of a Kubernetes cluster, using NodePort services

Primary LanguageShell



  1. What is funkypenguin/poor-mans-k8s-lb?
  2. Why should I use this?
  3. How do I use it?

This container is maintained by Funky Penguin's Geek Cookbook, a collection of "recipes" to run popular applications on Docker Swarm or Kubernetes, in a cheeky, geek format.

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What is funkypenguin/poor-mans-k8s-lb ?

This is a simple Docker container designed to be included in a Kubernetes pod. Its only purpose is to make an outbound HTTP/HTTPS call to a webhook, on a host configured for haproxy. The haproxy host will then be aware of the pod's host's IP address, and auto-configure haproxy to send traffic to it.

Why should I use this?

How do I use this?