
Night City Tarot is an optional new subsystem to enhance your Cyberpunk RED combat by introducing wild and rare new Critical Injuries and outcomes, providing climactic moments and shaking up your game.

Primary LanguageSvelte

Night City Tarot 🌃⌺

Implemented with SvelteKit!

See deployement here!

What is this?

Night City Tarot is an optional new subsystem to enhance your Cyberpunk RED combat by introducing wild and rare new Critical Injuries and outcomes, providing climactic moments and shaking up your game.

How do I use it?

Using Night City Tarot is easy. You'll only need the 22 Major Arcana Cards from a standard Tarot deck. Mechanically, it's also simple.

Whenever three or more dice rolled for damage from a Melee or Ranged Attack come up 6, draw the top card of your Night City Tarot deck and apply its effects as listed instead of a typical Critical Injury. There are two caveats.

First, only draw a card if the Attack is against a single target. Never draw for grenades, rockets, or other Attacks with an area of effect.

Second, only draw a card if both the attacker and defender are capable of sustaining Critical Injuries. For example, don’t draw if one of the combatants involved in the Attack is a drone.

Many of the Night City Tarot card effects inflict Critical Injuries. Whenever a card inflicts multiple Critical Injuries, each Injury causes 5 bonus damage directly to HP unless noted otherwise. After the effect of the card is resolved, put that card on the bottom of the deck, and put the deck away, because only one card can be pulled from the Night City Tarot per game session.

One last thing... after the first pull, don’t shuffle the deck until the campaign has experienced each card once... bad things happen when you tempt fate.

Full guide for Night City Tarot can be downloaded from Talsorian Games downloads.