
text command handler for Go

Primary LanguageGo


This package is used to handle text command in Go program.

Basic usage:

import "github.com/funny/cmd"

cmd.Register("hello", "say hello", func() {

var command string


The first argument of Register() function, is a regular expression.

When a command match the regular expression the handler function will be invoked.

A command handler function can be any kind of these types:


func() interface{}

func(args []string)

func(args []string) interface{}

When a command handler receive []string argument, the command will be splited by Regexp.FindStringSubmatch() and pass to handler.

For example:

import "github.com/funny/cmd"

cmd.Register("cmd (abc|def) ([0-9]) ([0-9])", "test", func(args []string){
	fmt.Println(args[0]) // cmd abc 1 2
	fmt.Println(args[1]) // abc
	fmt.Println(args[2]) // 1
	fmt.Println(args[3]) // 2

cmd.Process("cmd abc 1 2")

Document: http://godoc.org/github.com/funny/cmd