
Extensions for testing HTTP endpoints and deserializing the results. Currently works with XUnit.

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.NET Build and Test Nuget Nuget

HttpClient Test Extensions

Extensions for testing HTTP endpoints and deserializing the results. Currently works with XUnit.


Add the NuGet package and in your tests add this namespace:

using Ardalis.HttpClientTestExtensions;

If you have existing test code that looks something like this:

public class DoctorsList : IClassFixture<CustomWebApplicationFactory<Startup>>
  private readonly HttpClient _client;
  private readonly ITestOutputHelper _outputHelper;

  public DoctorsList(CustomWebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory, ITestOutputHelper outputHelper)
    _client = factory.CreateClient();
    _outputHelper = outputHelper;

  public async Task Returns3Doctors()
    var response = await _client.GetAsync("/api/doctors");
    var stringResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ListDoctorResponse>(stringResponse,

    Assert.Equal(3, result.Doctors.Count());
    Assert.Contains(result.Doctors, x => x.Name == "Dr. Smith");

You can now update the test to eliminate all but one of the lines prior to the assertions:

public async Task Returns3Doctors()
  var result = await _client.GetAndDeserialize<ListDoctorResponse>("/api/doctors", _outputHelper);

  Assert.Equal(3, result.Doctors.Count());
  Assert.Contains(result.Doctors, x => x.Name == "Dr. Smith");

If you need to verify an endpoint returns a 404, you can use this approach:

public async Task ReturnsNotFoundGivenInvalidAuthorId()
  int invalidId = 9999;

  var response = await _client.GetAsync(Routes.Authors.Get(invalidId));



  • For now this is coupled with xUnit but if there is interest it could be split so the ITestOutputHelper dependency is removed/optional/swappable
  • Additional helpers for other verbs are planned
  • This is using System.Text.Json with default camelCase options that I've found most useful in my projects. This could be made extensible somehow as well.