
A list of Image Aesthetics papers and resources.

Awesome Image Aesthetics

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  • Algorithmic Inferencing of Aesthetics and Emotion in Natural Images: An Exposition [pdf] [project page] 2008
  • Rule of Thirds Detection from Photograph [pdf][project page] 2011
  • Detecting Rule of Simplicity from Photos [pdf] [project page] 2011
  • AVA: A Large-Scale Database for Aesthetic Visual Analysis [pdf] 2012
  • Content-Based Photo Quality Assessment [pdf] [project page] IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2013
  • TAMPERE IMAGE DATABASE 2013(TID2013) [project page] 2013
  • An Image is Worth More than a Thousand Favorites: Surfacing the Hidden Beauty of Flickr Pictures [pdf] [project page] 2015
  • Photo Aesthetics Ranking Network with Attributes and Content Adaptation [pdf] [project page] ECCV2016


  • Image Aesthetic Assessment:An Experimental Survey [pdf] 2017



The papers summarized here are mainly from 2017 onwards. Please refer to the Survey paper(Image Aesthetic Assessment:An Experimental Survey) before 2016.

  • NIMA: Neural Image Assessment [pdf] [code] [project page] 2017
  • A-Lamp: Adaptive Layout-Aware Multi-Patch Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Photo Aesthetic Assessment [pdf] 2017
  • Learning Photography Aesthetics with Deep CNNs[pdf] 2017
  • Semantic Line Detection and Its Applications [pdf] ICCV2017
  • Neural Aesthetic Image Reviewer [pdf] 2018
  • Food Image Aesthetic Quality Measurement by Distribution Prediction [pdf] 2018
  • USAR: an Interactive User-specific Aesthetic Ranking Framework for Images [pdf] 2018
  • Snap Angle Prediction for 360◦ Panoramas [pdf] 2018
  • Learning to Understand Image Blur [pdf] CVPR2018
  • Good View Hunting: Learning Photo Composition from Dense View Pairs [pdf] [project page] CVPR2018
  • Attention-based Multi-Patch Aggregation for Image Aesthetic Assessment [pdf] [code] [project page] 2018
  • Gourmet Photography Dataset for Aesthetic Assessment of Food Images [pdf] 2018
  • An Universal Image Attractiveness Ranking Framework [pdf] 2019
  • Composition-Aware Image Aesthetics Assessment [pdf] 2019
  • Effective Aesthetics Prediction with Multi-level Spatially Pooled Features [pdf] [code] CVPR2019


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