
The user-friendly Node.js SDK to boost connectivity and data management within The Things Network's Lorawan infrastructure.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Things Network NodeJS SDK

The Node.js SDK seamlessly integrates with The Things Network's LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS), allowing developers to easily connect and manage IoT devices. With extensive API support, this package simplifies application interaction with TTN's LoRaWAN ecosystem, enabling device provisioning, data transmission, and device status monitoring. Utilize the user-friendly Node.js SDK to boost connectivity and data management within The Things Network's LoRaWAN infrastructure.

🚀 Get Started

This SDK also works with "The Things Industries" and privately hosted "The Things Stack Instance".

Ready to start using SDK ? Let's begin!

Documentation : ttn-node-sdk.fuota.io
GitHub : The-Things-Network-NodeJS-SDK

🎁 Explore Supported Methods

For End-Device Related Methods: EndDevice
For Application Related Methods: Application
For Gateway Related Methods: Gateway
For User Related Methods: User
For Organization Related Methods: Organization

🔧 Installation

To install the latest version on npm locally and save it in your package's package.json file:

npm install the-things-network --save

To install a particular version:

npm install the-things-network@version --save

💻 How To Use It !!!

Let's say you want to create an application, it can be created for both User and Organization...

For User :

  1. First import that particular class.
  2. Then set user ID and the configuration.
  3. Pass the payload in the method.

For more info, see this: Create Application For User

import { User } from 'the-things-network';

//just an example of config
const config = {
  IDENTITY_SERVER: 'eu1.cloud.thethings.network',
  NETWORK_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  APPLICATION_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  JOIN_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  API_KEY: 'xxxxxapi_keyxxxxxx',

//just an example of payload
const payload = {
  application_id: 'test',
  name: 'demo',
  description: 'for testing',

const user = User('userId', config);

const result = async () => {
  try {
    const resp = await user.createApplication(payload);
  } catch (err) {


For Organization:

  1. First import that particular class.
  2. Then set organization ID and the configuration.
  3. Pass the payload in the method.

For more info, see this: Create Application For Organization

import { Organization } from 'the-things-network';

//just an example of config
const config = {
  IDENTITY_SERVER: 'eu1.cloud.thethings.network',
  NETWORK_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  APPLICATION_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  JOIN_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  API_KEY: 'xxxxxapi_keyxxxxxx',

//just an example of payload
const payload = {
  application_id: 'test',
  name: 'demo',
  description: 'for testing',

const org = new Organization('organizationId', config);

const result = async () => {
  try {
    const resp = await org.createApplication(payload);
  } catch (err) {


📖 More Examples

  1. To get the list of applications of both users and organizations.
import { Application } from 'the-things-network';

//just an example of config
const config = {
  IDENTITY_SERVER: 'eu1.cloud.thethings.network',
  NETWORK_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  APPLICATION_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  JOIN_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  API_KEY: 'xxxxxapi_keyxxxxxx',

const app = new Application('', config);

const result = async () => {
  try {
    const resp = await app.getApplicationList();
  } catch (err) {


  1. To create an end-device in identity server.
import { EndDevice } from 'the-things-network';

//just an example of config
const config = {
  IDENTITY_SERVER: 'eu1.cloud.thethings.network',
  NETWORK_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  APPLICATION_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  JOIN_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  API_KEY: 'xxxxxapi_keyxxxxxx',

//just an example of payload
const payload = {
  end_device: {
    ids: {
      join_eui: 'DDFFDDFDFFDFDFDF',
      dev_eui: '70B3D57ED005B59E',
      device_id: 'eui-70b3d57ed005b59e',
      application_ids: {
        application_id: 'appId',
    version_ids: {
      brand_id: 'moko',
      model_id: 'lw003',
      hardware_version: '2.1',
      firmware_version: '2.0',
      band_id: 'AS_923',
    network_server_address: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
    application_server_address: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
    join_server_address: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',

const device = new EndDevice('appId', config);

const result = async () => {
  try {
    const resp = await device.createEndDeviceIS(payload);
  } catch (err) {


  1. To create a gateway for user.
import { User } from 'the-things-network';

//just an example of config
const config = {
  IDENTITY_SERVER: 'eu1.cloud.thethings.network',
  NETWORK_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  APPLICATION_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  JOIN_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  API_KEY: 'xxxxxapi_keyxxxxxx',

//just an example of payload
const payload = {
  gateway: {
    ids: { gateway_id: 'eui-ee34634e6ada3425', eui: 'EE34634E6ADA3425' },
    name: 'gateway',
    description: 'testing',
    gateway_server_address: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
    frequency_plan_id: 'US_902_928_FSB_3',
    status_public: true,
    location_public: true,
    enforce_duty_cycle: true,
    schedule_anytime_delay: '0.530s',
    require_authenticated_connection: true,

const gateway = new User('userId', config);

const result = async () => {
  try {
    const resp = await gateway.createGateway(payload);
  } catch (err) {


📨 MQTT Features

  1. To subscribe an uplink event.
import { EndDevice } from 'the-things-network';

//just an example of config
const config = {
  IDENTITY_SERVER: 'eu1.cloud.thethings.network',
  NETWORK_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  APPLICATION_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  JOIN_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  API_KEY: 'xxxxxapi_keyxxxxxx',
  TENANT_ID: 'xxxxxxxxxx',

//just an example of payload
const payload = {
  device_id: 'deviceId',
  down_type: '#',
  host: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.industries',
  port: 1883,
  username: 'user@tenant',
  callback_uplink_event: (data) => {
    console.log('upEvent', data.toString('utf8'));
  callback_subscribe_error: (data) => {
    console.log('upEvent', data.toString('utf8'));
  callback_subscribe_disconnect: (data) => {
    console.log('upEvent', data.toString('utf8'));

const device = new EndDevice('appId', config);

const result = async () => {
  try {
    const resp = await device.subscribeUpLinkEvent(payload);
  } catch (err) {


  1. To unsubscribe an event.
import { EndDevice } from 'the-things-network';

//just an example of config
const config = {
  IDENTITY_SERVER: 'eu1.cloud.thethings.network',
  NETWORK_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  APPLICATION_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  JOIN_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  API_KEY: 'xxxxxapi_keyxxxxxx',
  TENANT_ID: 'xxxxxxxxxx',

//just an example of payload
const payload = {
  device_id: 'deviceId',
  down_type: '#',
  host: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.industries',
  port: 1883,
  username: 'user@example',
  callback_uplink_event: (data) => {
    console.log('upEvent', data.toString('utf8'));
  callback_subscribe_error: (data) => {
    console.log('upEvent', data.toString('utf8'));
  callback_subscribe_disconnect: (data) => {
    console.log('upEvent', data.toString('utf8'));

const device = new EndDevice('appId', config);

const result = async () => {
  try {
    const upevent = await device.subscribeUpLinkEvent(payload);
    const resp = await device.unsubscribeEvent(upevent.client, upevent.topic);
  } catch (err) {


🎯 Benefits Of Using This Package

Once you create the instance of specific class and set the required parameters then you can explore all the methods belong to that class, it is that easy...

import { Application } from 'the-things-network';

//just an example of config
const config = {
  IDENTITY_SERVER: 'eu1.cloud.thethings.network',
  NETWORK_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  APPLICATION_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  JOIN_SERVER: 'nam1.cloud.thethings.network',
  API_KEY: 'xxxxxapi_keyxxxxxx',

//just an example of payload
const payload = {
  name: 'test',
  description: 'For testing',
  attributes: { 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2' },

const app = new Application('appId', config);

const result = async () => {
  try {
    const resp1 = await app.getApplicationList();

    const resp2 = await app.updateApplication(payload);

    const resp3 = await app.deleteApplication();

    const resp4 = await app.restoreApplication();
  } catch (err) {


🤝 Contribute

We welcome contributions to the-things-network! If you're interested in contributing to this package, there are many ways to contibute to the-things-network:

Report issues: If you find any bugs, errors, or enhancements, feel free to open an issue on GitHub.

Submit Pull Requests: If you're able to fix an issue yourself or want to add a new feature, we would be glad to review your pull request.

Improve Documentation: Whether you've found a typo, unclear documentation, or you have an idea for improving our documentation, we would love to hear from you!

Share Feedback: Any feedback about your experience with our package would be greatly appreciated. Your input helps us make this package better for everyone.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

We look forward to collaborating with you!

🏢 About Us


This SDK is being maintained by team @fuota.io

Fuota.io is your all-in-one platform for effortless firmware updates and comprehensive device management for LoRaWAN devices with The Things Network and many other popular LoRaWAN Network Server.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of connected devices, keeping your devices up-to-date with the latest firmware is a critical factor for optimal performance, enhanced security, and feature-rich functionality. So, if you are looking for ready solution for firmware update deployment solution. Join us at Fuota.io and unlock the full potential of your connected LoRaWAN devices, keeping them updated, secure, and seamlessly integrated.

Visit Us : fuota.io

🔒 License