
Avian Network is a proof-of-work secured blockchain designed for efficient and interoperable asset management.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Avian Network [AVN]


Avian Downloads C/C++ CI

What is Avian?

Avian Network is a proof-of-work secured blockchain designed for efficient and interoperable asset management. The assets can be automated using Avian Flight Plans allowing the creation of decentralized applications. The network prioritizes usability, automation, and low fees to make asset minting and management simple, affordable, and secure. The network's economy runs on AVN, our native coin that can be mined on a dual algorithm setup using either GPUs or CPUs.

For more information, as well as an immediately useable, binary version of the Avian Core software, see https://avn.network

License ⚖️

Avian Core is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.

Development Process

The master branch is regularly built and tested, but is not guaranteed to be completely stable. Tags are created regularly to indicate new official, stable release versions of Avian Core.

The contribution workflow is described in CONTRIBUTING.md.


Testing and code review is the bottleneck for development; we get more pull requests than we can review and test on short notice. Please be patient and help out by testing other people's pull requests, and remember this is a security-critical project where any mistake might cost people lots of money.

Testnet is now up and running and available to use during development. There is an issue when connecting to the testnet that requires the use of the -maxtipage parameter in order to connect to the test network initially. After the initial launch the -maxtipage parameter is not required.

Use this command to initially start aviand on the testnet. ./aviand -testnet -maxtipage=259200

Running on Mainnet

Use this command to start aviand on the mainnet. ./aviand -seednode=dnsseed.us.avn.network



#The following packages are needed:
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python python-zmq zlib1g-dev wget libcurl4-gnutls-dev bsdmainutils automake curl
git clone https://github.com/AvianNetwork/Avian
cd avian
# -j8 = using 8 threads for the compilation - replace 8 with number of threads you want to use
make -j8
#This can take some time.

OSX (Cross-compile using Linux)

Before start, read the following docs: depends and macdeploy.

Install dependencies:

sudo apt-get install curl librsvg2-bin libtiff-tools bsdmainutils cmake imagemagick libcap-dev libz-dev libbz2-dev python3-setuptools libtinfo5 xorriso

Place prepared SDK file Xcode-11.3.1-11C505-extracted-SDK-with-libcxx-headers.tar.gz in repo root, run ./zcutil/build-mac-cross.sh in the terminal to build.

OSX (Native)

Ensure you have brew and Command Line Tools installed.

# Install brew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
# Install Xcode, opens a pop-up window to install CLT without installing the entire Xcode package
xcode-select --install 
# Update brew and install dependencies
brew update
brew upgrade
brew install autoconf autogen automake
brew install binutils
brew install protobuf
brew install coreutils
brew install wget
# Clone Avian repo
git clone https://github.com/AvianNetwork/Avian
cd avian
# -j8 = using 8 threads for the compilation - replace 8 with number of threads you want to use
make -j8
# This can take some time.


Use a debian cross-compilation setup OR mingw for windows and run:

# if using linux cross-build
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python python-zmq zlib1g-dev wget libcurl4-gnutls-dev bsdmainutils automake curl cmake mingw-w64
git clone https://github.com/AvianNetwork/Avian
cd avian
# -j8 = using 8 threads for the compilation - replace 8 with number of threads you want to use
make -j8
#This can take some time.

About Avian

A digital peer to peer network for the facilitation of asset transfer.

Having started development on August 12th of 2021, and active on mainnet since September 1st, Avian (AVN) is a fork of Ravencoin Lite (RVL) which is a fork of Ravencoin Classic (RVC), aimed primarily at bringing the means of development back into the hands of the community after RVC had been abandoned by its creators. With the RVC github locked, and software in disrepair, RVL seeked to improve upon the existing foundations by implementing the necessary updates and bug fixes need to bring the original x16r fork of Ravencoin Classic up to par with modern cryptocurrencies.

This project is being spearheaded by a small group of enthusiasts, representing the interests of the actual community, as opposed to the original fork, which was created and maintained by Chinese ASIC manufacturers looking to make a return on their machines after AVN switched to the x16rv2 algorithm. As such, we are always seeking for people wishing to contribute their experience and knowhow to the development of Avian.

Our oringinal goal was to stick to the x16r algorithm as previously declared by the RVC project, however, we were aware of the potential threat that ASICs pose to the network, and looked to mitigate it while staying true to our roots. All existing bugs have been fixed, and asset functionality is being developed. We implemented a secondary CPU algorithm, somewhat akin to Myriad (XMY) called MinotaurX which was developed by LitecoinCash (LCC), in order to help decentralize the mining of AVN without resorting to replacing the primary algo.

I would like to reiterate that there are no professional developers on the dev team as of this date; we are merely a group of dedicated community members who got tired of waiting around for change and took matters into their own hands. As such, the speed of development will greatly depend on the amount of contributors. Let us come together as a community and help give AVN the wings it needs to soar high into the sky!

Thank you to the Bitcoin developers and the rest of the open source community for your hard work in the cryptospace.

The Avian project is launched based on the hard work and continuous effort of over 400 Bitcoin developers who made over 14,000 commits over the life to date of the Bitcoin project. We are eternally grateful to you for your efforts and diligence in making a secure network and for their support of free and open source software development. The Avian experiment is made on the foundation you built and we will continue to expand upon the foundations laid.