
Python mixin class for concise object representation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python mixin class for concise object representation

This library offers a mixin class ReprMixin that implements the __repr__ and _repr_pretty_ methods to represent objects in a concise way. The implementation is based on the class __init__ method signature, and will consider whether its parameters are positional or optional to construct a representation as succinct as possible. Positional arguments are represented as values only and optional arguments are included only when different from their default value.

Please note this is intended to be used on lightweight classes that map arguments to attributes. Also it will not work with dataclasses that override the __repr__ method.


from lazyrepr import ReprMixin

class MACD(ReprMixin):
    def __init__(self, short=12, long=26, signal=9, *, percent=False):
        self.short = short
        self.long = long
        self.signal = signal
        self.percent = percent

obj = MACD()
print(obj)  # >>> MACD(12, 26, 9)


Examples notebooks are in the extras folder.


You can install this package with pip.

pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/furechan/lazyrepr.git

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