This repository serves as a foundational template for kickstarting React applications while maintaining a clean and organized project structure. The structure is designed to enhance code readability, maintainability, and scalability. Here's an overview of the key components and technologies used:
npm i
npm run dev
- Axios: For making HTTP requests to your API.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
- React Icons: A library providing popular icon packs as React components.
- React Router Dom (v6): For declarative routing and navigation within the app.
- Prop Types: Runtime type checking for React props to catch bugs early.
- Redux Toolkit: A Redux library that simplifies state management.
React Folder Structure
├── public
├── src
| ├── assets
| | ├── icons
| | └── images
| ├── components
| | ├── Button
| | | └── index.jsx
| | ├── inputs
| | | └── index.jsx
| | └── index.js
| ├── layout
| | ├── Header
| | | └── index.jsx
| | ├── Navbar.jsx
| | | └── index.jsx
| | ├── Footer.jsx
| | | └── index.jsx
| | └── index.js
| ├── pages
| | ├── Home
| | | └── index.jsx
| | ├── Login
| | | └── index.jsx
| | ├── Signup
| | | └── index.jsx
| | ├── About
| | | └── index.jsx
| | ├── Error
| | | └── index.jsx
| | └── index.js
| ├── Routers
| | └── Routers.jsx
| ├── store
| | ├── slices
| | | ├── featureSlice1.js
| | | └── featureSlice2.js
| | ├── rootReducer.js
| | └── store.js
| ├── services
| | ├── api.js // API request functions
| | └── dataUtils.js // Data manipulation functions
| ├── utils
| | ├── constants
| | | ├── Strapi.js // Example
| | | └── Firebase.js // Example
| | ├── helpers
| | | ├── arrays.js // Example
| | | └── helpers.js // Example
| | └── hooks
| | └── useIsMobile.js // Example
| ├── App.jsx
| ├── index.css
| └── main.jsx
├── .gitignore
├── index.html
├── .env
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── ... // Configuration Files
: Contains static assets like the HTML entry point and other files.assests
: Houses icons and images used throughout the application.components
: Reusable UI components organized by type.layout
: Reusable layout components.pages
: Individual pages or views of your app.Routers
: Defines the routing structure of the
: API Operationsstore
: Redux store setup and state management.utils
: General utility functions and constants.Constants
: Constants used throughout the app (e.g., API endpoints).helpers
: Helper functions for various tasks.hooks
: Custom React hooks (e.g., useIsMobile).
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Customize the components, styles, and logic to match your application's requirements.
- Leverage the provided structure to maintain a clean codebase as your project scales.
- Utilize the predefined utilities, routing, and state management for a smoother development experience.
Feel free to explore the various directories and components to understand how everything fits together. This template provides a solid foundation, allowing you to focus on building features rather than setting up the project structure from scratch.