Blockchain Implementation in Go

This Go project provides a basic implementation of a blockchain, demonstrating key concepts such as blocks, transactions, mining, and the Merkle root.


The blockchain consists of the following main components:

  • Block Structure: Represents a block in the blockchain, containing a version, previous hash, difficulty level, timestamp, Merkle root, nonce, the number of transactions, and a list of transactions.

  • Blockchain Structure: Manages the chain of blocks and includes methods for creating the blockchain, adding blocks with transactions, and calculating the Merkle root.

  • Transaction Structure: Represents a transaction with sender, receiver, and amount.

How to Use

  1. Enter Difficulty:

    • When running the program, the user is prompted to enter the mining difficulty for the blockchain.
  2. Generate Transactions:

    • Transactions are generated with random sender, receiver, and amount values.
  3. Create Blockchain:

    • The blockchain is created with the specified difficulty.
  4. Mine Blocks:

    • Blocks are mined with transactions, and the Merkle root is calculated.
  5. Output Merkle Root:

    • The final Merkle root of the blockchain is displayed.
  6. Note:

    • The code includes commented-out sections that provide detailed information about each block. Uncomment and use these sections for more detailed block information.

Example Output

Enter Difficulty: 3
Merkle Root: 14bb1ce74a0f120e5a1a3e5ff8a5370323bae66eaab349e1c15e9cf442963fb6


This project relies on the standard Go libraries and does not require any external dependencies.


This blockchain implementation serves as an introductory example of building a blockchain in Go. Developers are encouraged to explore, modify, and extend the codebase to enhance their understanding of blockchain concepts in a practical setting.

Feel free to experiment, customize, and delve into the code to gain insights into the inner workings of a basic blockchain.