My sketches for iOS 10 bedtime clock. Unfinished.
// Time jumps at each five minutes
let bedtimeClockView: BedtimeClockView = BedtimeClockView(
frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 320),
startTimeInMinutes: 126, // Hour: 02:06, will display 02:05
endTimeInMinutes: 552 // Hour: 09:12, will display 09:10
Watch the changes using this snippet: = { start, end, durationInMinutes in
print(start, end, durationInMinutes) // Will print: 01:00, 09:00, 480
You can change the colors whenever you want. Let's say if you want to give an impression of enabling and disabling the clock. To do so, use this function:
// Change nil for the color of your choice
trackBackgroundColor = nil,
centerBackgroundColor = nil,
wakeBackgroundColor = nil,
wakeColor = nil,
sleepBackgroundColor = nil,
sleepColor = nil,
trackColor = nil,
numberColor = nil,
thickPointerColor = nil,
thinPointerColor = nil,
centerLabelColor = nil
See below the full color reference:
BedtimeClock is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.