
Case Study: Flight Search API

Primary LanguageJava

Flight Search API

This project is a robust Flight Search API that enables users to query, list, and perform searches for flight information based on specific criteria. Developed with modern Java technologies, this application features a scheduled task that automatically fetches and updates flight information from a mock external API source daily.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive flight information management: querying, adding, updating, and deleting.
  • Daily automated updates of flight data via a scheduled task, simulating third-party API integration.
  • RESTful API design for easy integration and usage.
  • Detailed API documentation with Swagger UI.
  • Secured endpoints with HTTP Basic Authentication using Spring Security.


  • Spring Boot: For rapid and simplified application development.
  • Spring Data JPA: For efficient and streamlined database operations.
  • H2 Database: An in-memory database used for development purposes.
  • Spring Security: To secure API endpoints and manage user authentication.
  • Swagger/OpenAPI: For interactive API documentation and testing.
  • Scheduled Tasks: For automated daily updates of flight data.
  • JUnit and Mockito: Employed for thorough testing of application components.

Getting Started


  1. Clone the Project:
    git clone https://github.com/your-username/flight-search-api.git
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:
    cd flight-search-api

Running the Application

  1. Start the Application:

    • On Mac and Linux
    ./mvnw spring-boot:run
    • On Windows:
    mvnw spring-boot:run
  2. Access the Swagger UI:

Access Credentials

  • Username: user
  • Password: [Generated in the console, after the running application]

For example: image

Use these credentials for HTTP Basic Authentication to access the Swagger UI and interact with the API endpoints.

API Endpoints

The application offers a variety of endpoints, which are accessible through the Swagger UI. Here are the details for the flight search functionalities:

Flight Management

  • GET /flights: List all flights.
  • GET /flights/{id}: Retrieve a flight by its ID.
  • POST /flights: Add a new flight.
  • PUT /flights/{id}: Update an existing flight.
  • DELETE /flights/{id}: Delete a flight.

Flight Search

The flight search feature includes different methods for querying flight data:

  1. Search Flights by Airports and Time:

    • GET /flights/search
    • This endpoint allows you to search for flights based on departure and arrival airports and a specific departure time.
    • Parameters: departureAirport, arrivalAirport, departureTime.
  2. Flexible One-Way and Round-Trip Flight Search:

    • GET /flights/searchFlights
    • This endpoint caters to both one-way and round-trip flight searches. Depending on whether a return time is specified, it can return either one-way or round-trip flight options.
    • For one-way flights, provide the departureAirport, arrivalAirport, and departureTime. It will return flights matching these criteria.
    • For round-trip flights, additionally provide the returnTime. The endpoint will return both outbound and return flights that fit the specified criteria.
    • Parameters: departureAirport, arrivalAirport, departureTime, returnTime (optional for round-trip).
  3. Search Flights by Departure and Arrival Times:

    • GET /flights/flightsByDepartureAndArrivalTimes
    • Use this endpoint to find flights within a specific time range, from the departure time to the arrival time.
    • Parameters: departureTime, arrivalTime.

Each of these search functionalities provides a flexible way to query flight data based on different criteria, making it easy for users to find the information they need.