- List of weather data for 8 days
- Tapping on an item will show weather details
- Calling an OpenWeatherMap API to get the weather information
- It will Support all orientation
- Local Notifications to show weather alert
- Settings view to change from Centigrade to Fahrenheit and vice versa
- Offline/Local storage
- Followed MVVM Architecture
- Asked for Notification Permission (to show weather alert)
- Hitting Weather API and Getting Current Weather Data as well as Forecast Data for next 7 Days
- Saving those data into Local
- If a weather alert is available in the response then the app will push local notification
- UI is observing the Local changes so data will reflect the user
- Default parameter for the temperature is centigrade
- Temperature can be changed from the setting in Fahrenheit and vice versa
- SwiftUI
- Combine
- Realm
- Alamofire
- SwiftyJSON
- User Notification
// This function will return true only if current date would't match with already saved date
private func isDateChaged() -> Bool
// This function will call the API and update the data after getting the response
func callAPIAndUpdateData()
// This will request for weather data
private func requestWeatherInfo(url : URL , method: HTTPMethod, completion : @escaping (Bool) -> Void)
// Save all data to local using WeatherInformationStore object passed from repo class
private func saveAllData(data : JSON)
// This function will read all data of type weatherInfo
func readWeatherInfoSavedData()
// This function will read data of type weatherAlert
func readWeatherAlertSavedData()
// This function will return the true if saved temp type is centigrade otherwise return false
func getTempType() -> Bool
// This function will save the type of temperature when the user changed from settings
func saveTempType(type : Bool)
// This function will save weather alert in local
func saveWeatherAlerts(sender_name : String, event : String, start : Int64, end : Int64, _description : String, completion : (Bool) -> Void)
// This function will save weather informations in local
func saveWeatherInfo(degree : String, atmophericPressure : String, humidity : String, status : String, timeStamp : Int64, windSpeed : String, image : String, completion : @escaping (Bool) -> Void)
// This function will delete all weatherInfo and WeatherAlert data from local
func deleteData()
// This will give access to API_handler and WeatherInformationStore Objects
private var repo : Repo
// UI is observing this variable to show the weather info
@Published var weatherInfo = [WeatherInformation]()
// By default temperature type is in Centigrade. This will be used to update the setting button view.
@Published var isTempCentigrade : Bool = true
// This is used to know when the app comes to Foreground and then Hit the API
@Published var appInForground = true
// This is the object of the notification manager
@Published var notificationManager : NotificationManager
// This is used to store the selected card for UI and Animations
@Published var selectedCard : WeatherInformation
// This function is used to push the local notification
func pushWeatherAlertNotification(data : WeatherAlerts)
// Used to save the selected temperature and corvert it
func isSelectedTempCentigrade(type : Bool)
// Used to convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade
func convertTemperatureToCentigrade()
// Used to convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit
func convertTemperatureToFahrenheit()
// Used for update the selectedCardInfo to display on view
func updateSelectedCard(degree : String, uuid : Int)
// Used to convert timeStamp into dd-MM-yyyy format
func convertTimestampToDate(timeStamp : Int64)