
Telluride Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop 2021: Sensory Motor Integration (SMI) Project from the NRP

Primary LanguagePython

Telluride 2021: Sensory Motor Integration Project

Neurorobotics Platform (NRP) experience code used in the SMI Project for the Telluride Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop 2021.


  • Neurorobotics Platform 3

Get Started

Quick guides

Install PyTorch into a VirtualEnv and use in Transfer Functions

This quick guide is here to help you install dependencies into separated virtualenvs. Here, we will install pytorch-cpu (latest stable version) in a virtualenv and build a Transfer Function to use it.

  • Open an interactive terminal inside the Docker NRP (or in the attached Visual Studio Code window).
docker exec -it nrp bash
  • Type the following instructions:
# create the virtual env named "pytorch" 
virtualenv ~/.opt/pytorch

# activate it
source ~/.opt/pytorch/bin/activate

# install dependencies
pip install torch==1.9.0+cpu torchvision==0.10.0+cpu -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
  • Create a Transfer Function and copy the following code:
def example_pytorch(t):
    # make PyTorch available from home directory installation
    import site, os
    # WARNING: the path can change according to the python version you chose when initializing the virtualenv
    # output the time as a PyTorch tensor every 2s
    import torch
    tensor = torch.Tensor([t])
    if t % 2 < 0.02:
        clientLogger.info('Time: ', tensor)
  • When you run a simulation, you will see the time printed every 2 secondes in the console logger inside the experiment.

Install PyTorch in the platform environment (no additional virtualenv)

You can also install a pip package without having to create a virtualenv. To do so, you have to use directly the experiment's virtualenv. Note that you may deal with conflicts in dependencies by doing so. Consequently, it is not recommended.

  • Open an interactive terminal inside the Docker NRP (or in the attached Visual Studio Code window).
docker exec -it nrp bash
  • Type de following commands :
# activate the 'platform_venv' virtualenv
source ~/.opt/platform_venv/bin/activate

# install dependencies
pip install torch==1.9.0+cpu torchvision==0.10.0+cpu -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
  • Create a Transfer Function and copy the following code:
import torch # we don't need to import it using site module

def example_pytorch(t):
    tensor = torch.Tensor([t])
    if t % 2 < 0.02:
        clientLogger.info('Time: ', tensor)
  • When you run a simulation, you will see the time printed every 2 secondes in the console logger inside the experiment.

Git management of this repository within the NRP

To facilitate the collaboration between all contributors during the project, try to commit and push changes directly inside the docker container when you're working on the NRP. If you installed the Experiment in the NRP as showed in the "Get Started" section, you can directly commit changes by using a docker interactive terminal.

  • Open a docker interactive terminal and keep it during your work on the NRP:
# Open the docker terminal
docker exec -it nrp bash

# change directory to the experiment sources (this repository)
cd ~/.opt/nrpStorage/telluride_maze_husky_0_0_0
  • Have fun playing with the sources!
  • Now you can git commit or git push as you wish.
  • KEEP THE MAIN BRANCH CLEAN!. Creating branches is strongly recommended.