
Rules of Information Technology

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Rules of Information Technology

Below are the Rules of Information Technology. They are inspired by the Rules of Acquisition. Feel free to do a PR to add new ones, but please also include a rule description page so that others can learn from your wisdom.

  1. Users lie, even when they don't mean to.

    1.1. When a user says "Everyone", they mean "one or more person"

  2. Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution.

  3. When estimating time, add at least 50%.

  4. Everyone has a testing environment, some are lucky enough to have a separate production environment.

  5. It was DNS.

  6. Good, Cheap, Fast. Pick 1.

  7. Security is important.

  8. IT is a force multiplier.

  9. Don't be afraid to promote your value.

    9.1. Don't be rude

  10. Never assume the person before you did a good job.

    10.1. You will make mistakes too.

  11. Don't forget to document.

    11.1. Any documentation is better than no documentation.

  12. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.

  13. Don't take it home with you.

  14. If you are always on call, something is wrong.

  15. You will break things.

  16. If the CEO's car is worth more than the entire IT budget, look elsewhere.

  17. Nobody buys a company to leave it alone.

    17.1. Private equity spells doom.

  18. Loyalty has to go both ways.

    18.1. Loyalty doesn't pay the rent.

  19. The infrastructure is not your baby.

  20. If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.