
A timestamped note taking / todo application for "interstitial notetaking"

Primary LanguagePython


A quick and dirty time-stamped note-taking app using principles of interstitial note-taking.


Requirement Sub-requirement Notes
Python 3.7 or above f-strings are used throughout
Required modules termcolor, os, subprocess, sys, pathlib, datetime highlighted modules are not included with python by default and must be installed using pip
Ideal terminal emulator iTerm2 Tested and working

Installation instructions

Install Python 3.7 or greater

Install termcolor from the terminal: pip install termcolor

To make this script easy to run, type the following in your terminal: alias is ='python3 <script location>

Usage instructions

From there, you can use the following command line args - is note "your note here" This creates a new note with a current timestamp.

is todo "your todo here" This creates a todo with checkbox for the current timestamp.

is open Opens today's file in a web browser tab.

is help Shows the available command line arguments.