
Coming soon website for Furrsible

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Quick Start

Clone the repo and run:

yarn install


To start the project locally, run:

yarn start

Open http://localhost:4078 with your browser to view the site.



  • Node.js >= 18

Directory Structure

  • .github — GitHub configuration including the CI workflow.
  • .husky — Husky configuration and hooks.
  • src — Application source code, including pages, components, styles.


  • yarn start — Starts the application in development mode at http://localhost:4078.
  • yarn build — Compile your application and make it ready for deployment.
  • yarn serve — Serve the production build of your site
  • yarn clean — Wipe out the cache (.cache folder).
  • yarn type-check — Validate code using TypeScript compiler.
  • yarn lint — Runs ESLint for all files in the src directory.
  • yarn format — Runs Prettier for all files in the src directory.

Path Mapping

TypeScript are pre-configured with custom path mappings. To import components or files, use the @ prefix.

import { Images } from '@/components';

Commiting updates

Read the commitlint.config.js file for the commit rules and to determine what type-enum to use based on your update. Always make sure you don't leave and empty commit message and only commit in lowercase.

docs: update readme