
a tetris-like block game implemented in Jack language

Primary LanguageShell

training repository for block game implemented in Jack



getting started

To run the game, you need to install VM Emulator on JVM.

  1. Install Java

  2. download the official (Nand2tetris Software Suite](https://www.nand2tetris.org/software)

  3. run VMEmulator.sh

  4. [File] -> [Load Program] -> select source/Tetris of this repository -> press [Load Program]

  5. When confirmation message pops up, press Yes (for better game speed, master brand relies on the build-in OS)

  6. Set [Animate] select box as 'No animation', and press [>>] button

  7. Hit Enter key to start.

  8. Now you are ready to go!

  9. To resume after gameover, hit [<<] and then [>>].

how to play

Enter ... start the game ← ... move left → ... move right ↑ ... rotate clockwise Z ... rotate counter-clockwise ↓ ... soft drop Space ... hard drop

for compilation

For re-compilation of the source code, you'll need a Jack compiler. A working compiler sample can be found here.

Origial ideas of HACK/Jack architecture are given by:

The Elements of Computing Systems

  • basic ideas/tools are introduced at:


  • see the publisher's link for datails:

http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/elements-computing-systems https://www.oreilly.co.jp/books/9784873117126/