
"Interpretability Beyond Feature Attribution: Quantitative Testing with Concept Activation Vectors (TCAV)" paper implementation

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Quantitative Testing with Concept Activation Vectors (TCAV) in NLP

Data preparation

We use Lenta.Ru dataset in our experiments.

  1. Create data_path folder and put lenta-ru-news.csv file in it
  2. Choose labels to experiment with and split the data into train and test by running lenta_dataset.ipynb
  3. Finally, run python data_prep.py -dd data_path. This command will save full.csv, train.csv, eval.csv and vocabs.txt files to data_path


  1. Modify build_model function if you want to change an architecture of the model
  2. Create experiment_path folder and put experiments/config.yaml in it
  3. Modify hyperparameters inside experiment_path/config.yaml
  4. Run python train.py -dd data_path -md experiment_path. This command will train the model and save checkpoints to experiment_path

Create concepts

  1. Choose words you would like to experiments with. For example, Москва, ООН, Жириновский will be a good choice.
  2. Run python collect_concepts.py -dd data_path -md experiment_path --ngrams 3. This command will generate multiple files:
  • concepts.pkl -- for each concept (e.g. Москва) we search for sentences where this word occurs. Then we retrieve ngrams of size n from this sentence (e.g. лето в Москва, Москва слезам не верит) and call it concepts. Also we collect some random samples from the data for each concept.
  • cav_bottlenecks.pkl -- we convert concept texts into hidden representations of the model from experiment_path folder
  • cavs.pkl -- Hyperplanes for each concept received by fitting Logistic Regression on concept/non-concept data. LR is trained on hidden representation of the data.
  • grads.pkl -- directional derivatives (see the paper for more details)

Calculate TCAV scores

  1. Run python calculate_tcav.py -dd data_path. This command will save scores.pkl file. In this file you can find TCAV scores for each concept against all labels.

Plot graphs

Run TCAV.ipynb to compare results.