
A python based client for displaying a character sheet, rolling dice and printing results in Discord channel via webhooks.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Dicecord - A Discord Diceroller and Character Sheet

A python based client for dispalying character sheets, rolling dice and printing results to a Discord chat channel. Uses Chronicles of Darkenss ruleset.

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


Splash Screen


On activation you will be greeted with the splash screen. Use the commands to check for updates, create a new character or import a previously saved character.

New Character Dialogue

The "New Character" dialogue will appear when selecting "New Character" from the splash screen of the File menu on a character sheet. It will ask you to select the type of character you are making and offer to switch dark era skills. At the time of writing Mages or Vampires can be selected.

Character Sheet

In the current build it displays the character sheet for Mage: the Awakening. The client shows three tabs: Stats, Inventory and Notes.

Edit Mode

In Edit Mode you change all of your character details. To activate edit mode click the edit button in the toolbar:
Edit   Note: When New Character is selected Edit Mode will be automatically activated.

Discord Details

Before rolling you need to add your Discord user and channel details to the character sheet.

  • Webhook URL: A webhook for the channel that will share your rolls.
  • Discord UserID: A numerical ID for your Discord username. You can get this by activating developer mode, right clicking on your name and selecting "Copy ID." When the correct ID is entered the results will include @mentions for you, which can make it easier to identify your own rolls.

Remove Dots

To remove all dots from a skill, click the first dot twice.

Skill Specialties

To add a skill specialty, click the skill name in edit mode. A dialogue will appear that allows you to set further details. Any skills with specialties will be bolded.

Edit Entry Details

Merit, Condition, Aspiration and Obsession tooltips can be edited by clicking the item's name while in edit mode. A dialogue will appear allowing you to input changes, or you can press the "delete" button to clear the entry from the character entirely.

Free Edit

Edit mode will generally only restrict editing of items that should cost XP to change. The following items can be changed even when edit mode is inactive:

  • XP/Arcane XP
  • Beats/Arcane Beats
  • Modifiers
  • Spent Mana
  • Health damage
  • Willpower spent


The Inventory tab shows a set of items/knowledge that the character posesses. Some widgets in this tab will calculate base dicepools associated with each entry.

Edit Mode

Active Spells and Weapons can be changed at all times. All other widgets here require edit mode to be active.

Enchanted Items and Mana

Enchanted items will update the mana widget on the stats page when new items are added. Note that there is a bug in the current version where this causes the mana object to appear squashed. To fix, save the character and reopen it.

Personality Settings

Personality settings are used to offer additional commentary on your rolls. When you achieve an exceptional success (5 or more successes) or no successes the bot has a chance to add a positive or negative comment respectively. By default, it will send a positive message for 100% of exceptional successes but a negative one for only 50% of 0 success rolls.

These rates, along with the messages themselves, can be edited by clicking "Personality Settings" in the "Options" menu of a character sheet.


Each message must be stored as a single line in the box. "[userID]" will be substituted with the UserID entered in your character sheet. Rate settings and messages are saved as part of your character.xml file.

Save and Import

Characters are saved as .xml files. Saved characters can be imported into the tool by selecting "File" -> "Open Character" in the top menu or "Import Character" in the splash screen. If unsaved changes are detected on the deactivation of edit mode or client exit a dialog will appear asking the user to save changes.

Roll Instructions

To open the roller, press the Dicecord symbol in the toolbar.
Before rolling you need to add your user and channel details to the character sheet.

  • Webhook URL: A webhook for the channel that will share your rolls.
  • Discord UserID: A numerical ID for your Discord username. You can get this by activating developer mode, right clicking on your name and selecting "Copy ID." When the correct ID is entered the results will include @mentions for you, which can make it easier to identify your own rolls.

When these items are added you will be able to make rolls. By default it will do a normal Chronicles of Darkness roll (rolls a number of D10s, 8 or above is a success, 10s grant additional rerolls).
After making the roll, the client will post the result of the roll, including each die value, in a single line. Once the total successes are printed on the channel it will display it in the client too.
You can change whether it is 10, 9 or 8 again using the radio buttons on the right.
Checking the "Rote" box turns it into a rote roll, where any dice at 7 or less is rerolled once.
Checking the "Multiline" box will post the result of each die to the channel before telling the final results. To avoid rate limiting (and add drama!) each message is sent after a delay of a second.
To view your last roll again, press the "Show Last Roll" button. This will open a window in the client displaying the last roll. The Chance Roll button rolls a chance die. On a chance die, only a 10 is a success but a 1 is a botch (critical failure). Also 10s are no longe rerolled.

Note On Rate Limit

Webhooks have a "rate limit" that will cause commands to fail if too many are sent in quick succession. Generally, if more than 3 people are rolling at once you may hit the rate limit. The client will try to avoid this by waiting extra when the remaining messages on the current refresh are low.

One way to avoid the rate limit is to create a dedicated webhook for each player.