Parallel Cooridnates
A toolkit to add multiple charts feature onto parallel coordinates implementation in D3 Reimplement it in Coffee script.
window.paral_cord (option);
avaialble option:
- marginLeft (opt): Left margin, default is 100
- marginRight (opt): Right margin, default is 100
- marginTop (opt): Top margin, default is 50
- marginBottom (opt): Buttom margin, default is 50
- width (opt): Width of the whole SVG graph, default is 800
- height (opt): Height of the whole SVG graph, default is 400
- spacer (opt): Space between two chargs, default is 30
- titleSize (opt): The font size of titles of each charts, default is 20
- colorDecider (opt): A function accepting a data entry and return a color string. Default is "blue"
- rootDom (required): The root dom selector to render SVN graph
- data (required): Array of data entry:
- path (required): The url to fetch data set
- name (required): The title of data set
- format (required): The format of data set
- units (required): Mapping from attribute name to its data entry property
- name (required): Title of the attribute, will be used as the axis name
- type (required): "number" or "text"
- domain (opt): An array represented domain, used when ordinal domain needs certain order
- jQuery
- d3js
- underscore
Just steal the shit of it.
- Support multiple data format
- Support asynchronous data loading
- Demo page