Gsm Shark is a simple GSM network sniffer made to be very simple to use and
easy to be extendable. Allowing new researches to get the GSM networks
even more secure.

This software is under initial phase of development so do not expect too much.

Patches are very welcomed, if you have any doubt on how to contribute
contact the author at: felipe at zimmerle dot org.

For more information about the project:


GSM-Shark is multi-platform, you can run it on Mac, Linux or even Windows
(never tested on Windows but it should work). Before start the compilation
please, make sure that you have all the necessary dependecies installed.
They are:

* uhd
* gnuradio with uhd support
* Qt 4.7.4+
* cmake 
* Qt Mobility 1.2.1+ ()
  ( ) 
* Qt Qml Desktop Components
  ( )

With the dependencies installed, just use cmake and make to build the code, 
as following:

$ cd /path/to/gsm-shark/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Those steps are sufficient to get the code compiled.