
Node.js git server for cloud-native applications

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Cloud-git: Node.js git server for cloud-native applications

Cloud-git is a 100% JavaScript git server you can expose as part of the HTTP APIs of your app:

  • Expose a Git repository as an Express route of your application.
  • Pure JavaScript, no dependencies on native git libraries.
  • Extensible to use any cloud-native storage like AWS S3, no dependency on the file system.
  • HTTP or HTTPS.
  • Read/write (push/pull).
  • Supports authentication.
  • Can be used with regular git CLI.

For developers by developers at Fusebit.io.

Getting started

Install Express and cloud-git:

npm i express
npm i @fusebit/cloud-git

In server.js:

const Express = require("express");
const { MemoryGitRepository } = require("@fusebit/cloud-git");

const app = Express();
app.use("/git", new MemoryGitRepository().createExpress(Express));


Start the Express app:

node server.js

And party on:

mkdir test
cd test
git init
echo "Hello, world" > hello
git add .
git commit -am "first checkin"
git remote add origin http://localhost:3000/git
git push origin master
mkdir test2
cd test2
git remote add origin http://localhost:3000/git
git pull

Running tests

To run tests, you need a configured git CLI in the environment. Tested with git CLI 2.24.3.

npm test

If you run into issues, you can display more tracing with:

GIT_DEBUG=1 npm test


The cloud-git module provides a GitRepository abstract base class that implements the smart HTTP git protocol and exposes a number of extensibility points as methods of the class. Those methods abstract the storage mechanism of the git repository and are intended to be overriden in derived classes. The cloud-git module provides one such derived class, MemoryGitRepository, which supports a transient, in-memory storage and is intended for testing purposes and as a reference implementation.

Using in Express

The GitRepositry base class provides the createExpress method which returns an Express router intended to be mounted in the selected location of the URL space of your app. The example below shows how to use the MemoryGitRepository instance, but generally you would create your own class deriving from GitRepository and use that instead:

const Express = require("express");
const { MemoryGitRepository } = require("@fusebit/cloud-git");

const app = Express();
app.use("/git", new MemoryGitRepository().createExpress(Express));


The example above will host the git repository at http://localhost:3000/git - you can use it as remote URL with standard git clients.

You can also host the repository logic at a parameterized URL path. This is useful when your API supports multiple named git repositories, for example:

app.use("/git/:repositoryName", new MemoryGitRepository().createExpress(Express))

The request object is passed to all relevant extensibility points of the GitRepository base class, which can then extract the necessary parameters from req.params. The MemoryGitRepository class does not provide support for multiple repositories.

Implementing your own storage

The GitRepository base class exposes a few methods that must be implemented in derived classes to support the storage mechanism of your choice:

class GitRepository {
    // Must be overriden
    async getRefs(req) {}
    async receivePack(req, commands, objects) {}
    async getObject(req, hash) {}
    // May be overriden
    async getHeadRef(req) {}
    async authorize(req, res, next) {}
    async getReceivePackSuccessMessage(req, commands, objects) {}
    async getUploadPackSuccessMessage(req, objects) {}

The minimal implementation would then look like this:

const { GitRepository } = require("@fusebit/cloud-git");

class MySqlGitRepository extends GitRepository {
    async getRefs(req) { /*...*/ }
    async receivePack(req, commands, objects) { /*...*/ }
    async getObject(req, sha) { /*...*/ }

Below is the documentation of individual methods.

async getRefs(req)

The method must return all git references stored on the server. The array has the following schema:

    { "ref": "{refName}", "sha": "{sha}" },

For example:

    { "ref": "refs/heads/main", "sha": "fd31bdda597916d85b2a35f6b8f2d91b6159448c" }

If you are starting from an empty repository, this array would initially contain no elements, and would be populated from the receivePack method described next.

async receivePack(req, commands, objects)

This method is called when changes in the repository are requested by the client, typically as a result of the git push command.

The req represents the request and can be used to access req.params.

The commands is an array of objects describing the changes in the repository requested by the caller. The array has the following schema:

    { "srcId": "{sha}", "destId": "{sha}", "ref": "{refName}" },

Each element in the array represents a change in the sha value from srcId to destId that the specified git ref needs to point to. There is a special "zero" sha value consisting of 40 0 characters which can be used either as srcId or destId, as follows:

  • If srcId is a zero sha, a new ref is being created to point to destId.
  • If destId is a zero sha, an existing ref pointing to srcId is being deleted.
  • Otherwise, an existing ref is being updated to point to destId instead of srcId.

The GitRepository class provides a convenience method this.isZeroSha(sha) that can be used to test for the zero sha.

The objects parameter is an array containing all new objects the client has sent to the server which need to be stored. The array has the following schema:

    { "sha": "{sha}", "objectType": "blob|tree|commit|tag", "data": <Buffer> },

The sha uniquely identifies the object (it is a hex-encoded SHA1 value of the data with addition of some metadata). The objectType describes the type of an object as one of the four core types git supports. The data is a buffer containing the actual object data.

async getObject(req, sha)

This method must retrieve from storage and return a previously stored object identified with sha (a 40 character hex encoded string). The req represents the request and can be used to access req.params.

The method must return an object with the same schema as the one previously provided to receivePack, or throw an exception if the requested object does not exist:

{ "sha": "{sha}", "objectType": "blob|tree|commit|tag", "data": <Buffer> }

async getHeadRef(req)

This method can optionally return the ref name of the HEAD of the repository. This will be sent as a hint to clients who clone the repository so that they can establish a default branch. If you return undefined, no hint will be provided, and the client will need to manually select their branch after cloning. You would typically return something like ref/heads/main, depending on the setup of your repository.

async authorize(req, res, next) {}

This method allows authorizing access to the git repository. The same effect can be accomplished by simply adding Express middleware to the route prior to the repository handler, but the authorize method has been provided in case you want to encapsulate the authorization logic with the rest of your implementation. The default base class implementation of GitRepository.authorize simply calls next(), which means unauthorized access is allowed.

If you want to protect your repository and enable standard git CLI to work with it out of the box, you will need to use Basic authentication. Your implementation of authorize would then look like this:

class MySqlGitRepository extends GitRepository {
    async authorize(req, res, next) {
        if (!req.headers.authorization) {
            res.status(401).set("www-authenticate", 'Basic realm="MyRealm').end();
        } else {
            // Validate req.headers.authorization and either respond with HTTP 403
            // or call next() to grant access.
    // ...

The www-authenticate response header on the HTTP 401 response provides a hint for the git CLI to ask the user for username and password and retry the request, unless the credentials are already preconfigured on the client. There is a variety of ways credentials can be specified in git CLI, please consult the documentation.

async getReceivePackSuccessMessage(req, commands, objects)

This method allows the server to send a custom message to the client after a successful git push operation. The standard git CLI normally displays this message in the console, but the client ultimately controls if this happens (in particular, the user may have disabled these messages). If you want to send a custom message, return a string (possibly multi-line), otherwhise return undefined. The commands and objects parameters are the same as for the receivePack method.

async getUploadPackSuccessMessage(req, objects)

This method allows the server to send a custom message to the client after a successful git pull or git fetch operation. The concept is similar to getReceivePackSuccessMessage.


There is no single, comprehensive documentation of the git protocol out there. The cloud-git implementation involved an archaelogical effort to uncover bits and pieces scattered across the plains of the internet to put together a more comprehensive picture. To give credit where it is due, here are some of the sources we relied on: