
📦 Popular packages created by Fusebit for use on the Fusebit Integration platform.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Fusebit Integrations

👋 Welcome to Fusebit

Our product enables developers like you to quickly add integrations to an application using powerful API building blocks. It takes away the pain of developing against many disparate APIs while maintaining the flexibility and familiarity of a code-first platform. Just like Stripe solves payments for application developers, Fusebit solves integrations.

This repository includes our official integrations packages for popular services and Fusebit SDK. These packages are available when you create an integration, learn more about integrations

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🧰 Packages

Available packages

Name Type
@fusebit-int/framework Fusebit SDK
@fusebit-int/oauth-connector Generic OAuth Connector
@fusebit-int/oauth-provider Generic OAuth Provider
@fusebit-int/hubspot-connector HubSpot Connector
@fusebit-int/hubspot-provider HubSpot SDK Provider
@fusebit-int/slack-connector Slack Connector
@fusebit-int/slack-provider Slack SDK Provider

💻 Installation

Before using, download and install Node.js. Node.js 14.17.6 or higher is recommended.

You need to install lerna globally

npm i -g lerna

Install Dependencies

npm i

Install package dependencies

lerna bootstrap

Build TypeScript

lerna run build

Available utilities enabled by default

  • TypeScript
  • Testing with Jest and Tap reporter
  • TypeScript linting using eslint
  • TypeScript watch mode available
  • Formatting using Prettier
  • Pre-commit hook using Husky (will run linter, formatting and unit tests before each commit)

Example Commands:

Command Description
lerna run <command> --scope=<package> Filter a lerna command for a certain package
cd <package> && npm run dev Watch a particular package
lerna run lint:check Check for issues identified by lint
lerna run lint:fix Run the linter, automatically fixing identified issues
npm run prettier:check Check to see if all files are pretty
npm run prettier:fix Make all of the files pretty
lerna run packages:version Use an interactive prompt to select the next version
npm run packages:version [minor,patch,major] Automatically bump the version of all packages
npm run dev:version Automatically bump the prerelease version
lerna clean --yes Clean the tree
git commit ... --no-verify Do a commit while disabling the pre-commit checks
./scripts/publish_all.sh <profile name> Automatically publish everything to your fusebit registry.
lerna run test Run all of the tests
lenra run test --scope @fusebit-int/oauth-connector Run the tests for just the oauth-connector package
lerna run build --scope @fusebit-int/slack-connector Build and run the tests for a specific package
npx hygen service new Create a new connector and provider, using the results of the prompts
npx hygen snippet new Create a new snippet for an existing connector, using the results of the prompts
npx hygen catalog new Create a new catalog entry for the connector and provider, using the results of the prompts
npx hygen help See available actions