
A Telegram chatbot using Intellivoid's Coffeehouse API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Since the API has been discontinued, this will no longer work.


A fun telegram userbot written in python3 using Intellivoid's Coffeehouse API. Written by this person!


Open up your terminal and run these commands.

git clone https://github.com/rsktg/Chatbot.git

cd Chatbot

pip install -r requirements.txt

• Now make a copy of sample_config.ini and rename it to config.ini and enter your api_id and api_hash. These can be obtained from here.

Non-Heroku users

Edit NAME in generate_session.py

python3 generate_session.py

Heroku users

python3 string_session.py

You'll be asked to enter your phone number and 2FA password (if any). Copy and save the string session you get in the end.

Two possible ways of going forward

You can either use environment variables or edit the config.ini file further.

If you're going to use environment variables, then add a variable named ENV and set the value to anything you want. Now you can use environment variables.

Add the following ones as well.

SESSION_NAME: If you ran generate_session.py, the name of the session you created.

STRING_SESSION: The string session (Only for Heroku users).

CF_API_KEY: You can get this API key from here

DATABASE_URL: The URL of your SQL database. It should look something like this - sqldbtype://username:pw@hostname:port/db_name. PostgreSQL is recommended.

NAME: Your bot will reply to the AI-enabled users everytime this name is said.

However, if you're gonna use config.ini, go ahead and set the values given above with the exception of ENV.

Running the bot

After setting the required environment variables/editing the config.ini file, run python3 -m chatbot.

Congrats, your bot should now be up!


Intellivoid for providing the API used for this project.

pyrogram - the library used for this project.