
Andrea Fusiello's computer vision Matlab functions


Computer Vision Toolkit (CVT)

Andrea Fusiello, 2018


This toolkit is a collection of Matlab functions implementing several Computer Vision algorithms.

SETUP: cd to the main directory of CVT, where the file cvt_setup.m is and run: cvt_setup. This will add the relevant folders to the search path.

The main directory containing the relevant function is m-files. Its content will be displayed by cvt_setup.

This code runs indifferently on Octave and Matlab. It has been tested on Octave 4.2.1 and Matlab R2017a. It does not have any external dependency on toolboxes or packages.

The test directory contains scripts that test (mostly) all the functions in the toolkit. After setup cd to test and run testAll. This will call all the test scripts and report coverage.

The m-files/aux_fun directory contains auxiliary, helper functions.

The directory cherubino12 contains 12 JPEG images of a statue, together with camera matrices (.pm) and masks (.png) (curtesy of 3Dflow srl). They are used in the testIMG ad testCARVE scripts.

The License file applies to all material but the thirdparty directory, which contains auxiliary functions from other authors, where the respective copyright notices apply.

The functions in this toolkit are described in the book:

Andrea Fusiello
Dipartimento Politecnico di Ingegneria e Architettura (DPIA)
UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Udine, Via Delle Scienze, 208 - 33100 Udine
email: andrea.fusiello@uniud.it