Data plot click is not working in Android
vrsrohit opened this issue · 15 comments
Hi , data plot click is not getting fired in my code I have ran it in Multiple Android devices but couldn't get the callback .
Can you please Give me a solution ASAP.
Ps : version fusion chart :4.1.0 , ReactNative Webview Version : 8.0.1
I am not able to submit a ticket at that link .
Can you please show me some other way to solve this issue.
@vrsrohit We are looking into the issue, as soon as we get more information on this, we will update you.
@vrsrohit Can you please share a sample of your implementation. The events are working on my end.
drill down charts { this.refChart = ref; }} libraryPath={this.libraryPath} type="column2d" width="100%" height="100%" dataFormat="json" dataSource={datasource} onInitialized={caller => { // this.bindApiCaller(caller); console.log({caller}) }} events={{ dataplotclick: (e, a) => { Alert.alert(`You clicked on ${}`); // <-- Not emitting }, beforeInitialize: () => { console.log("bI"); // <-- Not emitting }, initialized: () => { console.log("i"); // <-- Not emitting }, chartClick: () => { console.log("cclk"); // <-- Not emitting } }} />@vrsrohit Can you please share a sample of your implementation. The events are working on my end.
Please let me know if u need any further information
@vrsrohit Can you please share a sample of your implementation. The events are working on my end.
Hey can you share the code and implementation you have done.
If possible can you share sample kinda project for reactnative implementation
Hi @vrsrohit were you able to find any solution for this?
@VibhorKockpit use react-native-fusioncharts 5.1.0 the issue should be fixed there