VictoriaMetrics Add-on for Home Assistant OS is the perfect solution for long term data storage of your smart home sensor data and visualization with Grafana.
- 11
Fail to update addon
#41 opened by creativetags - 2
- 2
Question: migrate this repository to https://github.com/orgs/VictoriaMetrics-Community organization
#46 opened by denisgolius - 3
SSL configs
#36 opened by danielnolan - 4
- 3
How to rewrite labels
#31 opened by andyfr - 3
[feature] Add support for graphite
#37 opened by googanhiem - 2
- 4
Unable to store more than 2 weeks of history
#34 opened by borrelan - 0
Update to victoriametrics >= 1.96.0 to enable use of new flag to skip tls cert verification
#35 opened by danielnolan - 4
- 1
victoriametrics disk usage
#28 opened by wavoigt - 1
Use vmagent instead of full victoria metrics
#25 opened by lapo-luchini - 0
Addon victoriametrics did not start
#26 opened by jove01 - 3
Question: migrate from influx DB
#23 opened by erkr - 0
- 1
home assistant core does not have addons
#11 opened by mzy2240 - 3
home assistant database
#10 opened by cc120689