.NET 6 Service Template

.NET CodeQL Docker Image CI

How to run the solution

You might want to install .NET Core SDK 6 first, and sudo npm install nswag -g next.

The service can be started

  1. "locally" by running (might take a little time to compile the code):

    dotnet run --project .\src\Api\ServiceTemplate.csproj

    or on Linux:

    dotnet run --project ./src/Api/ServiceTemplate.csproj
  2. Or you can start the service and run the tests with means of docker-compose:

    docker-compose up --build --abort-on-container-exit

    Unfortunately, on Linux, the stable docker-compose is quite old, so it doesn't support service_started:

            # condition: service_healthy
            condition: service_started

    So if you want to use docker-compose, please use Windows and the latest Docker Desktop or Rancher Desktop.

  3. If you press F5 button in Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio, the Swagger page will be shown in the browser window soon.

The Swagger page can be accessed through: http://localhost:5000/swagger.

There are two implementations:

  1. The in-memory store, this is the default, as it is highly tested by unit tests,
  2. and the persistent one (SQlite), it can be enabled by editing the Startup.cs in src/Api.

Technologies involved

  • ASP.NET Core 6 WebAPI
  • Swagger for interface description and visualization (/swagger)
  • Docker and docker-compose
  • Entity Framework Core with SQLite
  • Serilog structured logging (console logger)
  • Prometheus.NET for metrics (/metrics)
  • Correlation ID middleware (X-Correlation-ID in header)