
A collection of configs I use with TypeScript

MIT LicenseMIT

This package contains configuration files for TypeScript v4.3+
Require's tslib as a dependency for outputted code.

A collection of configuration files I use with tsconfig.json while working with TypeScript.


$ npm i --save-dev @futagoza/tsconfig
$ npm i tslib


Put the following into your tsconfig.json (hint: you can rename this file when using tsc -p "custom name"):

    "extends": "@futagoza/tsconfig"


@futagoza/tsconfig (or @futagoza/tsconfig/tsconfig.json)

  • Target ES2015
  • Use CommonJS module generator
  • Strict type checking
  • Resolve JSON files
  • Enables source maps (with the original source included in the source maps)
  • Declaration files
  • Always use Unix style (lf) new lines
  • Do not emit on errors
  • Always import helpers from tslib to avoid duplication of TypeScript helpers
  • Exclude's a number of directories that shouldn't contain *.ts source files
  • Includes commonly used directories for *.ts source files
  • Disable's automatic type acquisition
  • Allows importing *.js exports into *.ts files
  • Enforces consistent casing in filenames (when importing)
  • Does not emit declarations for code that has an @internal annotation
  • Enable and disable options for my most common use cases

@futagoza/tsconfig/browser.json (or @futagoza/tsconfig/browser/legacy.json)

  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig
  • Target ES5
  • Generate UMD modules


  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig
  • Target ES2020
  • Generate ES2020 modules (ES2015 modules + dynamic imports + import.meta support)


  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig
  • Target ES2018
  • Generate ES2015 modules


  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig
  • Target ES2015
  • Use no module generator


  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig
  • Enables the skipLibCheck option
  • The @types/node type package is included without being referenced

@futagoza/tsconfig/node.json (or @futagoza/tsconfig/node/lts.json)

  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig/node/core.json
  • Target ES2019 (used in Node.js 12)


  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig/node/lts.json
  • Generate ES2015 modules


  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig/node/core.json
  • Target ES2020 (used in Node.js 16)


  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig/node/current.json
  • Generate ES2020 modules (ES2015 modules + dynamic imports + import.meta support)


  • Meant for use with NW.js or Electron
  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig/browser/evergreen.json
  • The @types/node type package is included without being referenced


  • Extends @futagoza/tsconfig
  • Target ESNext (with library support for browsers, node and web-workers)
  • Use ES module generator


Copyright © 2019+ Futago-za Ryuu
Released under the MIT License, http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT