
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This library offers a very simple template engine.

The engine's only function is to resolve placeholders in the template to defined variable values or PHP constants.


composer require futape/simple-template


use Futape\SimpleTemplate\Template;

$template = (new Template(
    "Hello {{\$name}},\n\nthis is an usage example of futape/simple-template.\nYour installed PHP version is " .
    ->addVariable('name', 'Stranger');

echo $template->render();
/* Hello Stranger,

this is an usage example of futape/simple-template.
Your installed PHP version is 7.2.0. */

Placeholders may be escaped using a \ in front of the second {.
{\{$foo}} would result in {{$foo}} (or {\{$foo}} if the unescapePlaceholders config is disabled).

The engine can be configured, either via a constructor's second argument or by calling setConfig().
The following configuration options exist:

Name Type Default Description
unescapePlaceholders bool true If \ characters used to escape placeholders should be removed from the rendered template
resolveConstants bool true If resolving placeholders to constants is enabled
discardUndefinedVariables bool true If unresolvable placeholders should be removed from the rendered template


The library is tested by unit tests using PHP Unit.

To execute the tests, install the composer dependencies (including the dev-dependencies), switch into the tests directory and run the following command:
