A webpage hosted on wifi Accesspoint of 32 bit microcontroller to provide each configuration details to micro-controller required for data sending to server. From connection of ROUTER (DHCP and STATIC modes) to SERVER (HTTP, TCP, MQTT). Give detaills through webpage and connect your esp32 board to your wifi and with your server to send data.
- allyouaskforFoothills, Alberta, Canada
- AmitGohelEleics Design Private Limited
- AngelJMCSevilla (Spain)
- aslanbaris
- Ayaanshaikh90
- benh-auAustralia
- bieliPoland
- Bigben83Scottsdale, Tasmania, Australia
- Bishopjack
- futechiotFutechiot
- jiaqingQi
- loyosx
- MurphyDai
- nh43deDallas, TX
- nnovofastovskiy
- noodlefighter
- orion-garcia
- pedrohaobrito
- PhamDuyAnh
- RasailiTilak
- solrac3f
- Spaceinvaderz@Aligntech
- the-real-jushen