Pinned Repositories
This library allows your M5Stack micro-controller to control your SONY toio core. This library accesses your toio core using BLE. It will work well on M5Stack Basic Core, GREY, ATOM Matrix, and ATOM Lite. Note that SONY toio is available only in Japan for now: (Japanese).
The node-beacon-scanner is a Node.js module which allows you to scan BLE beacon packets and parse the packet data. This module supports iBeacon, Eddystone, and Estimote.
The node-dns-sd is a Node.js module which is a pure javascript implementation of mDNS/DNS-SD (Apple Bonjour) browser and packet parser. It allows you to discover IPv4 addresses in the local network specifying a service name such as _http._tcp.local. Besides, it allows you to monitor mDNS/DNS-SD packets.
A Node.js module which allows you to communicate with home appliances supporting the ECHONET Lite protocol.
The node-enocean-utils is a Node.js module which allows you to get and analyze telegrams came from EnOcean devices via a gateway such as USB 300/300U/400J or EnOcean Pi.
The node-lifx-lan is a Node.js module which allows you to communicate with the Wi-Fi LED smart light products "LIFX" using the LAN protocol.
The node-omron-hvc-p2 is a Node.js module which allows you to communicate with the image sensing device "OMRON Human Vision Components (HVC-P2)" through a USB serial port.
The node-sms-pdu is a SMS-SUBMIT PDU (Packet Data Unit) generator and SMS-SUBMIT/DELIVER PDU parser. This module supports the GSM 7-bit default alphabet encoding and the UCS-2 16-bit alphabet encoding. Besides, it supports the Concatenated (or Multipart or Long) SMS.
The node-upnp-utils allows you to discover UPnP devices or services in the same subnet and to invole actions or queries to the targeted device.
The node-wav-player is a Node.js module which allows you to play a wav file on the host computer. It supports Windows 10, MacOS X, and some Linux distros.
futomi's Repositories
The node-beacon-scanner is a Node.js module which allows you to scan BLE beacon packets and parse the packet data. This module supports iBeacon, Eddystone, and Estimote.
The node-lifx-lan is a Node.js module which allows you to communicate with the Wi-Fi LED smart light products "LIFX" using the LAN protocol.
A Node.js module which allows you to communicate with home appliances supporting the ECHONET Lite protocol.
The node-dns-sd is a Node.js module which is a pure javascript implementation of mDNS/DNS-SD (Apple Bonjour) browser and packet parser. It allows you to discover IPv4 addresses in the local network specifying a service name such as _http._tcp.local. Besides, it allows you to monitor mDNS/DNS-SD packets.
The node-wav-player is a Node.js module which allows you to play a wav file on the host computer. It supports Windows 10, MacOS X, and some Linux distros.
The node-enocean-utils is a Node.js module which allows you to get and analyze telegrams came from EnOcean devices via a gateway such as USB 300/300U/400J or EnOcean Pi.
The node-upnp-utils allows you to discover UPnP devices or services in the same subnet and to invole actions or queries to the targeted device.
This library allows your M5Stack micro-controller to control your SONY toio core. This library accesses your toio core using BLE. It will work well on M5Stack Basic Core, GREY, ATOM Matrix, and ATOM Lite. Note that SONY toio is available only in Japan for now: (Japanese).
The node-sms-pdu is a SMS-SUBMIT PDU (Packet Data Unit) generator and SMS-SUBMIT/DELIVER PDU parser. This module supports the GSM 7-bit default alphabet encoding and the UCS-2 16-bit alphabet encoding. Besides, it supports the Concatenated (or Multipart or Long) SMS.
The node-omron-hvc-p2 is a Node.js module which allows you to communicate with the image sensing device "OMRON Human Vision Components (HVC-P2)" through a USB serial port.
The node-sms-transceiver sends and receives SMS messages via a GSM modem.
The node-linking is a Node.js module which allows you to communicate with the BLE devices supporting the Linking Profile developed by Linking Project (NTT DoCoMo) in Japan.
JavaScript library for TI CC2650 SensorTag
The node-gotapi is a Node.js implementation of the Generic Open Terminal API Framework (GotAPI) developed by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA).
node-wisunrb は Wi-SUN ECHONET Profile for Route B に対応した USB ドングルを経由して家庭用電力量スマートメーター (低圧スマート電力量メーター) にアクセスします。ECHONET Lite 規格の「低圧スマート電力量メータクラス」に規定されたすべてのプロパティをサポートします。
The node-enocean-ble monitors and parses telegrams coming from EnOcean BLE devices (rocker wall switch and multisensor). This module supports telegram authentication based on AES128 in CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC) mode and replayed telegram detection.
Web Serial API を使って OMRON 環境センサ USB型に USB シリアルで接続し、センサー計測値をブラウザー上に表示します。
The node-bravia-ip-control-simple is a Node.js module which is a pure javascript implementation of the Simple IP Control for SONY BRAVIA Professional Displays. You can control BRAVIA Professional Displays in local network easily using this module.
The node-gotapi-plugin-onvif is an ONVIF Plug-In for the node-gotapi.
The node-bravia-serial-control is a Node.js module which is an implementation of the Serial Control for SONY BRAVIA Professional Displays. You can control BRAVIA Professional Displays from your PC via RS-232C easily using this module.
m5stack-switchbot-plug-timer は、BLE で SwitchBot プラグミニ(JP)の電源を ON/OFF する M5Stack Core2 向け Arduino コードです。時刻をセットすることで、自動的に SwitchBot プラグミニ(JP)の電源を OFF/ON することもできます。
The node-blead-sl is a controller of BLE beacon "BLEAD-SL" equipped with a buzzer. Note that "BLEAD-SL" is available only in Japan.
node-ksy-hat は KSY 社の Raspberry Pi 向けマルチセンサー HAT「Smart Remote Control HAT」を制御および計測値を取得するモジュールです。
node-sony-mesh は、SONY の IoT ブロック「MESH」をコントロールするための node モジュールです。7 種類すべてのブロックに対応し、ブロックの制御やブロックからのメッセージ受信を行います。
W3C Web of Things Japanese Community Group
The node-oas-valexp is a value validator using OAS (OpenAPI Specification) Parameter object. The design is inspired by the RegExp object.
The node-una-decoder is a Node.js module which allows you to decode a structured message data sent by a UnaBiz Arduino library for UnaShield which is a SIGFOX transceiver module for Arduino.
The perl-una-decoder is a Perl module which allows you to decode a structured message data sent by a UnaBiz Arduino library for UnaShield which is a SIGFOX transceiver module for Arduino.
A collection of unofficial API drafts for the W3C Web-based Signage BG
Web-based Signage Player Basic Media Profile