
extra checks on URL's sent to criticalcss.com

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have however now verified that these requests are coming in this format from the plugin, so can you please take a look as well to see if that's fixable from your end? These are my relevant logs for the last requests for these domains

2019-05-18T12:38:02 critical css request for url http://xyz.abc133.130.126.119:43?ao_noptimize=1
2019-05-22T04:08:02 critical css request for url http://xyz.abcwww.baidu.com:443?ao_noptimize=1
2019-05-24T19:28:17 critical css request for url http://xyz.abcwww.voanews.com:443?ao_noptimize=1

@pocketjoso is this still happening? because I don't think these requests were issued by the plugin, as the plugin uses a native WordPress function to get the site's own domain. so not sure if there anything I can do here really ..

Did you make a change in this regard in another commit Frank?