How to use this code:
- Copy the code to a new application called "doorStatus" on your spark/particle core. To do this copy the code in the github file called "core" then go to: select your core then paste the code into a new app.
- This code uses the HttpClient library. Load this library from inside
- You will need an Ubidots account. Set one up here:
- On Ubidots create a new datasource and two variables one digital "isClosed" and one analog called "analog". Copy the IDs for these variables into the main code.
//These values come from Ubidots.
#define VARIABLE_ID "UBIDOTS_ID123abc"
#define VARIABLE_ID_analog "2ND_UBIDOTS_ID123abc"
- Under "profile" on Ubidots create and then copy an new access token. Paste it into the main code after the variable_ids.
#define TOKEN "superSecrectToken123abc"
- Flash the new code to your particle core.
- Use the wiring diagrams: to get everything connected.