Futured Dev Academy (Android)

minSdk targetSdk

Welcome to the Futured Dev Academy!

The mini-project is to be used to learn the fundamentals of Android development in FDA. Contains the basic setup of the project, Jetpack Compose, MVVM architecture, REST API, etc.

Prepared by Futured ♥️

Futured Team:

Future Graduate:

Project info

  • Deadline: 12. 9. 2023
  • ApplicationId: app.futured.academyproject
  • Supports: Dark mode, landscape orientation
  • Design: Figma/Zeplin (add link)
  • Backend: Mapový portál města Brna
  • Product Flavors: mock, dev, prod
  • Build Variants: debug, enterprise, release
  • Localizations: Czech

Used tech

Additional Scripts

  1. clean - remove all build folders
  2. lintCheck - run ktlint, detekt and android lint checks. Same runs on CI.
  3. dependencyUpdates - check if never version of used dependencies are available