Fullstack Application written in React (Frontend) NodeJS (Backend) MongoDB (Datastore)
- Consists of two packages contained in backend/frontend folders
- Install each via package.json
- Mock data is not present at the moment, so API keys are required for backend implementation!
$(backend) npm install
$(backend) npm run dev
$(frontend) npm install
$(frontend) npm run dev
- These will run concurrently in the future (see SSR Branch)
- OAuth Local Strategy
- Redux for global state, auth management (early decision - consider moving more towards Context)
- Context API for User session information (i.e. page retention, history)
- React Hooks for most cases
- Google Maps API Autocomplete Places
- Downshift for search functionality
- And more!
- See SSR branch for a working, server-side-rendered version of the core functionality (rendering, redux store)
- npm run test (Jest and Enzyme) Work in progress
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