- 0
- 0
Request Node deletion in bulk
#755 opened by yanmo96 - 0
[subnet]: 502 Bad Gateway
#753 opened by yanmo96 - 0
Add dvr_mac to DPM
#752 opened by DavidLiu506 - 0
[DPM] Get VPC size from cache service
#744 opened by VanderChen - 1
[DPM] Conflict between Set<> for host ips and List<> for VPC ids in MulticastGoalStateV2
#722 opened by VanderChen - 0
[DPM] Handle failure of sending TopicInfo to host
#727 opened by VanderChen - 0
Re-write alcor k8s deployment script in ansible
#737 opened by yanmo96 - 0
Remove cache access from NCM gRPC client
#735 opened by xieus - 2
- 0
- 0
[Documentation] Update design doc of message queue
#730 opened by VanderChen - 0
- 0
- 0
[Documentation] DPM Cache Design and Optimization
#715 opened by xieus - 0
- 0
[Jaeger Tracing] Undesired Tracing Span Graph in NCM
#711 opened by zzxgzgz - 0
- 0
Warm up of Linkerd gRCP channel
#705 opened by xieus - 1
- 0
E2E testcase functional issue
#686 opened by yanmo96 - 0
[PM] I/O error on POST request for IPS
#689 opened by yanmo96 - 1
Routing rule scenario tests
#669 opened by xieus - 1
[Subnet Mgr] When create and delete subnet concurrently, VPC will still see deleted subnet ID
#662 opened by yanmo96 - 1
[IP mgr]? Ip address allocation not found. 404 error
#666 opened by yanmo96 - 1
[PM] PM Failed to delete port when concurrent
#682 opened by yanmo96 - 0
[Subnet] PM can delete subnet's gateway port, but subnet still hold gatewayPortId
#681 opened by cj-chung - 2
[DPM] DPM Failed Handle Request
#668 opened by yanmo96 - 0
- 0
[VPC mgr] I/O error on PUT request
#665 opened by yanmo96 - 2
[RM] getOrCreateVpcRouter in need a flag to indicate if it requires to create a router
#646 opened by cj-chung - 2
[RM] Separate getOrCreateSubnetRouteTable into two APIs and consolidate POST with createNeutronSubnetRouteTable
#654 opened by cj-chung - 0
[Performance] Creating new gRPC channel and stub every time NCM sends GoalState to ACA
#638 opened by zzxgzgz - 3
[RM] routetable cannot handle concurrent add
#656 opened by yanmo96 - 3
[RM] getSubnetRouteTable in should separate Neutron and VPC router scenario.
#647 opened by cj-chung - 2
- 1
[GM] unregisterVPC in GM got 500 internalserver error
#652 opened by yanmo96 - 2
- 0
[Subnet Mgr] Subnet deletion to support parallel deletion of relevant resources and rollback
#649 opened by xieus - 0
[messages south dispatch] security and HA concerns
#644 opened by Eric-Yuan - 3
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
[Perf Env Setup] Containerize ACA to replace Neutron-OpenvSwitch-agent container in kolla-ansible
#630 opened by xieus - 0
- 3
[VPC] The /segments/createDefaultTable API creating default segment table for network takes too long
#626 opened by cj-chung - 0
Support ACA build and deployment in Jenkins pipeline
#615 opened by xieus