
Welcome to API

APIv4 provides spot, margin and futures trading operations. There are public APIs to retrieve the real-time market statistics, and private APIs which needs authentication to trade on user's behalf.

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 4.21.5
  • Package version: 4.21.5
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Trying our best to follow the semantic versioning, while enjoying recent features provided by programming language and libraries, from 4.15.2, one major versioning difference will be introduced:

If extra code rewrite is required when you upgrade the SDK, such as:

  • some outdated programming language version support is dropped
  • API method signature has breaking changes.

the MAJOR version will be incremented, but the MINOR and PATCH version are still following REST API's instead of resetting to 0, so that you can recognize it has some breaking changes, but still getting the idea of from which REST API version the change is introduced.

For example, the previous REST API and SDK version are both 4.14.0. But if we decide to introduce some breaking changes in SDK along with REST API 4.15.2 upgrade, then the version of next SDK release will be 5.15.2(the MAJOR version is incremented to denote breaking changes, but the MINOR and PATCH version are identical to REST API's instead of resetting them to 0)

If MAJOR version is incremented, make sure you read the release note on Releases page


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

You can install directly using:

pip install --user gate-api

Then import the package:

import gate_api


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import gate_api

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function

import gate_api
from gate_api.exceptions import ApiException, GateApiException

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = gate_api.Configuration(
    host = ""

api_client = gate_api.ApiClient(configuration)
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = gate_api.DeliveryApi(api_client)
settle = 'usdt' # str | Settle currency

    # List all futures contracts
    api_response = api_instance.list_delivery_contracts(settle)
except GateApiException as ex:
    print("Gate api exception, label: %s, message: %s\n" % (ex.label, ex.message))
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling DeliveryApi->list_delivery_contracts: %s\n" % e)

For a more complete API usage example, refer to the demo application in example directory

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
DeliveryApi list_delivery_contracts GET /delivery/{settle}/contracts List all futures contracts
DeliveryApi get_delivery_contract GET /delivery/{settle}/contracts/{contract} Get a single contract
DeliveryApi list_delivery_order_book GET /delivery/{settle}/order_book Futures order book
DeliveryApi list_delivery_trades GET /delivery/{settle}/trades Futures trading history
DeliveryApi list_delivery_candlesticks GET /delivery/{settle}/candlesticks Get futures candlesticks
DeliveryApi list_delivery_tickers GET /delivery/{settle}/tickers List futures tickers
DeliveryApi list_delivery_insurance_ledger GET /delivery/{settle}/insurance Futures insurance balance history
DeliveryApi list_delivery_accounts GET /delivery/{settle}/accounts Query futures account
DeliveryApi list_delivery_account_book GET /delivery/{settle}/account_book Query account book
DeliveryApi list_delivery_positions GET /delivery/{settle}/positions List all positions of a user
DeliveryApi get_delivery_position GET /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract} Get single position
DeliveryApi update_delivery_position_margin POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/margin Update position margin
DeliveryApi update_delivery_position_leverage POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/leverage Update position leverage
DeliveryApi update_delivery_position_risk_limit POST /delivery/{settle}/positions/{contract}/risk_limit Update position risk limit
DeliveryApi list_delivery_orders GET /delivery/{settle}/orders List futures orders
DeliveryApi create_delivery_order POST /delivery/{settle}/orders Create a futures order
DeliveryApi cancel_delivery_orders DELETE /delivery/{settle}/orders Cancel all `open` orders matched
DeliveryApi get_delivery_order GET /delivery/{settle}/orders/{order_id} Get a single order
DeliveryApi cancel_delivery_order DELETE /delivery/{settle}/orders/{order_id} Cancel a single order
DeliveryApi get_my_delivery_trades GET /delivery/{settle}/my_trades List personal trading history
DeliveryApi list_delivery_position_close GET /delivery/{settle}/position_close List position close history
DeliveryApi list_delivery_liquidates GET /delivery/{settle}/liquidates List liquidation history
DeliveryApi list_delivery_settlements GET /delivery/{settle}/settlements List settlement history
DeliveryApi list_price_triggered_delivery_orders GET /delivery/{settle}/price_orders List all auto orders
DeliveryApi create_price_triggered_delivery_order POST /delivery/{settle}/price_orders Create a price-triggered order
DeliveryApi cancel_price_triggered_delivery_order_list DELETE /delivery/{settle}/price_orders Cancel all open orders
DeliveryApi get_price_triggered_delivery_order GET /delivery/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} Get a single order
DeliveryApi cancel_price_triggered_delivery_order DELETE /delivery/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} Cancel a single order
FuturesApi list_futures_contracts GET /futures/{settle}/contracts List all futures contracts
FuturesApi get_futures_contract GET /futures/{settle}/contracts/{contract} Get a single contract
FuturesApi list_futures_order_book GET /futures/{settle}/order_book Futures order book
FuturesApi list_futures_trades GET /futures/{settle}/trades Futures trading history
FuturesApi list_futures_candlesticks GET /futures/{settle}/candlesticks Get futures candlesticks
FuturesApi list_futures_tickers GET /futures/{settle}/tickers List futures tickers
FuturesApi list_futures_funding_rate_history GET /futures/{settle}/funding_rate Funding rate history
FuturesApi list_futures_insurance_ledger GET /futures/{settle}/insurance Futures insurance balance history
FuturesApi list_contract_stats GET /futures/{settle}/contract_stats Futures stats
FuturesApi list_liquidated_orders GET /futures/{settle}/liq_orders Retrieve liquidation history
FuturesApi list_futures_accounts GET /futures/{settle}/accounts Query futures account
FuturesApi list_futures_account_book GET /futures/{settle}/account_book Query account book
FuturesApi list_positions GET /futures/{settle}/positions List all positions of a user
FuturesApi get_position GET /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract} Get single position
FuturesApi update_position_margin POST /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract}/margin Update position margin
FuturesApi update_position_leverage POST /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract}/leverage Update position leverage
FuturesApi update_position_risk_limit POST /futures/{settle}/positions/{contract}/risk_limit Update position risk limit
FuturesApi set_dual_mode POST /futures/{settle}/dual_mode Enable or disable dual mode
FuturesApi get_dual_mode_position GET /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract} Retrieve position detail in dual mode
FuturesApi update_dual_mode_position_margin POST /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/margin Update position margin in dual mode
FuturesApi update_dual_mode_position_leverage POST /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/leverage Update position leverage in dual mode
FuturesApi update_dual_mode_position_risk_limit POST /futures/{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/risk_limit Update position risk limit in dual mode
FuturesApi list_futures_orders GET /futures/{settle}/orders List futures orders
FuturesApi create_futures_order POST /futures/{settle}/orders Create a futures order
FuturesApi cancel_futures_orders DELETE /futures/{settle}/orders Cancel all `open` orders matched
FuturesApi get_futures_order GET /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id} Get a single order
FuturesApi cancel_futures_order DELETE /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id} Cancel a single order
FuturesApi get_my_trades GET /futures/{settle}/my_trades List personal trading history
FuturesApi list_position_close GET /futures/{settle}/position_close List position close history
FuturesApi list_liquidates GET /futures/{settle}/liquidates List liquidation history
FuturesApi list_price_triggered_orders GET /futures/{settle}/price_orders List all auto orders
FuturesApi create_price_triggered_order POST /futures/{settle}/price_orders Create a price-triggered order
FuturesApi cancel_price_triggered_order_list DELETE /futures/{settle}/price_orders Cancel all open orders
FuturesApi get_price_triggered_order GET /futures/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} Get a single order
FuturesApi cancel_price_triggered_order DELETE /futures/{settle}/price_orders/{order_id} Cancel a single order
MarginApi list_margin_currency_pairs GET /margin/currency_pairs List all supported currency pairs supported in margin trading
MarginApi get_margin_currency_pair GET /margin/currency_pairs/{currency_pair} Query one single margin currency pair
MarginApi list_funding_book GET /margin/funding_book Order book of lending loans
MarginApi list_margin_accounts GET /margin/accounts Margin account list
MarginApi list_margin_account_book GET /margin/account_book List margin account balance change history
MarginApi list_funding_accounts GET /margin/funding_accounts Funding account list
MarginApi list_loans GET /margin/loans List all loans
MarginApi create_loan POST /margin/loans Lend or borrow
MarginApi merge_loans POST /margin/merged_loans Merge multiple lending loans
MarginApi get_loan GET /margin/loans/{loan_id} Retrieve one single loan detail
MarginApi cancel_loan DELETE /margin/loans/{loan_id} Cancel lending loan
MarginApi update_loan PATCH /margin/loans/{loan_id} Modify a loan
MarginApi list_loan_repayments GET /margin/loans/{loan_id}/repayment List loan repayment records
MarginApi repay_loan POST /margin/loans/{loan_id}/repayment Repay a loan
MarginApi list_loan_records GET /margin/loan_records List repayment records of specified loan
MarginApi get_loan_record GET /margin/loan_records/{loan_record_id} Get one single loan record
MarginApi update_loan_record PATCH /margin/loan_records/{loan_record_id} Modify a loan record
MarginApi get_auto_repay_status GET /margin/auto_repay Retrieve user auto repayment setting
MarginApi set_auto_repay POST /margin/auto_repay Update user's auto repayment setting
MarginApi get_margin_transferable GET /margin/transferable Max transferable amount for specified margin currency
MarginApi list_cross_margin_currencies GET /margin/cross/currencies Currencies supported by cross margin.
MarginApi get_cross_margin_currency GET /margin/cross/currencies/{currency} Retrieve detail of one single currency supported by cross margin
MarginApi get_cross_margin_account GET /margin/cross/accounts Retrieve cross margin account
MarginApi list_cross_margin_account_book GET /margin/cross/account_book Retrieve cross margin account change history
MarginApi list_cross_margin_loans GET /margin/cross/loans List cross margin borrow history
MarginApi create_cross_margin_loan POST /margin/cross/loans Create a cross margin borrow loan
MarginApi get_cross_margin_loan GET /margin/cross/loans/{loan_id} Retrieve single borrow loan detail
MarginApi list_cross_margin_repayments GET /margin/cross/repayments Retrieve cross margin repayments
MarginApi repay_cross_margin_loan POST /margin/cross/repayments Repay cross margin loan
MarginApi get_cross_margin_transferable GET /margin/cross/transferable Max transferable amount for specified cross margin currency
SpotApi list_currencies GET /spot/currencies List all currencies' detail
SpotApi get_currency GET /spot/currencies/{currency} Get detail of one particular currency
SpotApi list_currency_pairs GET /spot/currency_pairs List all currency pairs supported
SpotApi get_currency_pair GET /spot/currency_pairs/{currency_pair} Get detail of one single order
SpotApi list_tickers GET /spot/tickers Retrieve ticker information
SpotApi list_order_book GET /spot/order_book Retrieve order book
SpotApi list_trades GET /spot/trades Retrieve market trades
SpotApi list_candlesticks GET /spot/candlesticks Market candlesticks
SpotApi get_fee GET /spot/fee Query user trading fee rates
SpotApi list_spot_accounts GET /spot/accounts List spot accounts
SpotApi create_batch_orders POST /spot/batch_orders Create a batch of orders
SpotApi list_all_open_orders GET /spot/open_orders List all open orders
SpotApi list_orders GET /spot/orders List orders
SpotApi create_order POST /spot/orders Create an order
SpotApi cancel_orders DELETE /spot/orders Cancel all `open` orders in specified currency pair
SpotApi cancel_batch_orders POST /spot/cancel_batch_orders Cancel a batch of orders with an ID list
SpotApi get_order GET /spot/orders/{order_id} Get a single order
SpotApi cancel_order DELETE /spot/orders/{order_id} Cancel a single order
SpotApi list_my_trades GET /spot/my_trades List personal trading history
SpotApi list_spot_price_triggered_orders GET /spot/price_orders Retrieve running auto order list
SpotApi create_spot_price_triggered_order POST /spot/price_orders Create a price-triggered order
SpotApi cancel_spot_price_triggered_order_list DELETE /spot/price_orders Cancel all open orders
SpotApi get_spot_price_triggered_order GET /spot/price_orders/{order_id} Get a single order
SpotApi cancel_spot_price_triggered_order DELETE /spot/price_orders/{order_id} Cancel a single order
WalletApi get_deposit_address GET /wallet/deposit_address Generate currency deposit address
WalletApi list_withdrawals GET /wallet/withdrawals Retrieve withdrawal records
WalletApi list_deposits GET /wallet/deposits Retrieve deposit records
WalletApi transfer POST /wallet/transfers Transfer between trading accounts
WalletApi list_sub_account_transfers GET /wallet/sub_account_transfers Transfer records between main and sub accounts
WalletApi transfer_with_sub_account POST /wallet/sub_account_transfers Transfer between main and sub accounts
WalletApi list_withdraw_status GET /wallet/withdraw_status Retrieve withdrawal status
WalletApi list_sub_account_balances GET /wallet/sub_account_balances Retrieve sub account balances
WalletApi get_trade_fee GET /wallet/fee Retrieve personal trading fee
WithdrawalApi withdraw POST /withdrawals Withdraw
WithdrawalApi cancel_withdrawal DELETE /withdrawals/{withdrawal_id} Cancel withdrawal with specified ID

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


Authentication with APIv4 key and secret

For details, refer to: APIv4 signed request requirements
