Battling Knights


The game consists of four knights (Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow) who fight on a 8 x 8 chessboard and four items i.e. Axe(A), Dagger(D), MagicStaff(M), and Helmet(H).

The knights are positioned as follows:

  • Red (0,0)
  • Blue (7,0)
  • Green (7,7)
  • Yellow (0,7)

The items are position as follows:

  • A (2,2)
  • D (2,5)
  • M (5,2)
  • H (5,5)

After playing the game with the provided moves in moves.txt file the end result should be serialized and the output is written to final_state.json.

Game modelling

The game is modelled using 6 classes:

Knight class

The Knight class has the following attributes:

  • color: str
  • name: str
  • position:
  • status: str
  • attack_score: int
  • defence_score: int
  • item:

Item class

The Item class has the following attributes:

name: str

  • full_name: str
  • rank: int
  • position: Pos
  • attack: int
  • defence: int

Arena class

The Arena class has the following attribute:

  • board: 2D matrix (8 X 8)

Also handles arena rendering and movements of knights and knights.

Battle class

The Battle class has two methods one for fight which handles the the battle between knights and kill_knight methods for killing the defeated knight.

Play class

The play class reads the movements from moves.txt and sets the board.


This application uses only bult-in and stdlib modules but requires to uses python 3.7 and above.

To run the app run the module as follows: python