
Tutorial: C Programming for 'Arduino Nano Every'-Board on Apple Silicon

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C Programming for 'Arduino Nano Every' Board (ATmega4809) on a Mac and VS Code

****By Hans-Henrik Fuxelius, 2023-04-28



This guide will take you through the setup of the AVR C-compiler for a Mac Silicon (or Intel) computer for developing with the ATmega4809 microcontroller. Development is done in BASH and Visual Studio Code. The result is a complete environment for serious embedded programming.


Have you been tinkering around with these cheap and accesible Arduino-boards for a while, and felt like. Hmm whats the next step up the ladder? A first step could be to set up a productive environment for C development! This short introduction is made to be followed with the Arduino Nano Every board on MacOS, but once the Makefile is clearly understood you could readily, with some effort, adapt it to any microcontroller from the AVR family (tinyAVR, megaAVR, XMEGA, ...) and also to Ubuntu or Fedora.

The Arduino Nano Every board is equipped with the ATmega4809 microcontroller (The megaAVR® 0-Series, which also includes ATmega808, ATmega809, ATmega1608, ATmega1609, ATmega3208, ATmega3209 and ATmega4808) that came to market in 2019. It is a modern replacement of the 20 year old ATmega328p with being better in almost every regard save EEPROM that is just a quarter of the previous. It has an 8-bit AVR processor developed by Microchip/Atmel that can run up to 20MHz on an internal clock crystal. It comes with 6KB of SRAM, 48KB of flash, and 256 bytes of EEPROM. The chip features the latest technologies like flexible and efficient-power architecture, including Event System and Sleepwalking, precious analog features, and advanced peripherals.

The Arduino Nano Every differentiate itself somewhat from other Arduino boards with an Atmel processor. Usually a bootloader is present in Flash memory for uploading software to the microcontroller. The Nano Every does not use an bootloader but is programmed directly by the Unified Program and Debug Interface (UDPI) protocol. The UPDI is a Microchip proprietary interface for external programming and on-chip debugging of a device. This programming can be done directly with harware tools like the Atmel-ICE Debugger or by software jtag2udpi in an embedded processor. In this case the ATSAMD11D14A ARM Cortex M0+ processor acts as a bridge between USB and the main ATmega4809 microcontroller. The upside of not using a bootloader is obvious. You have the entire memory space for your own project and can also develop your own bootloaders without have to worry about bricking it. UDPI is also much quicker than using a bootloader, usually just a few seconds. In this sense I personally think the Nano Every is the coolest and most versatile of the entire lineup of Arduino AVR development boards. For a very cheap price you get both the development board and a USB cable that has very few drawbacks and at no extra cost added in the future, as often is the case in embedded development as you might find out ;)

The description here is general enought for setting up a pro development in C for all the AVR microcontrollers on the MacOS.

Arduino IDE vs Visual Studio Code

Arduino is designed to make the microcontroller world more accessible to students and beginners. The Arduino IDE is excellent to get you started in embedded programming. The excellent thing with the Arduino hardware is that it is absolutely general and not locked down to or limited to use only with the Arduino IDE. The Arduino version of C++ is adapted to work with many different processors and different architechtures. In some sense the least common denominator governs how and what can be done within the framework. To unleash the full potential of the ATmega4809 you need to use its native libraries and do programming in standard C.

Bare Metal Development

If you develop in Windows it is easy to get started with Microchip Studio which is free of cost and a very nice environment to work in. Microchip also has the MPLAB® X IDE that works on Windows, Linux and Mac. With that said. However. If you, like me, are used to work in an UNIX environment the locked-in Windows environment feels a bit narrow at times, especially if you are used to do development and programming on Ubuntu or MacOS. In industry Windows is standard but for many students and researchers at university Apple laptops and desktops are common.

For those of us who are used to develop with standard C (C99) in UNIX for Apple Silicon, Ubuntu or Fedora and want to get started there are fewer alternatives than in Windows that is standard for electronics and microcontroller development.

We are going to set up our environment to use Visual Studio Code as editor instead of Arduino IDE or Microchip Studio. It is superior for software development when code is running big and for working in shared project over GitHub.

Compiling and uploading the c-code to the board takes place in Bash by calling a Makefile with the make command:

make         # Compiles the C-program
make flash   # Flash the program to the controller
make serial  # Starts the serial monitor to the controller

To connect to the board a serial interface is needed. We are going to use tio for this which is a simple serial device tool which features a straightforward command-line and configuration file interface to easily connect to serial TTY devices for basic I/O operations. To make a simpler serial device tool for talking with serial TTY devices with less focus on classic terminal/modem features and more focus on the needs of embedded developers and hackers.

Installation, Configuration and Test

Follow these steps to install a complete system:

1) Arduino IDE

Download the latest Arduino IDE and install it if you have not already done so. We are going to use only its avr toolchain as avr-gcc compiler and other tools.

2) Homebrew

You need to install Homebrew in order to install a few crucial components to get the environment functional.

Once Homebrew is installed, install the following programs.

brew install make
brew install tio
brew install avrdude

3) Install source

Install the source code from my GitHub page

git clone git@github.com:fuxelius/nano_every_bare_metal.git
cd nano_every_bare_metal

4) Visual Studio Code

Install Visual Studio Code and open the nano_every_bare_metal directory form inside VS Code menu Open Folder....

5) Set path to avr-gcc toolchain in Arduino Library

Find out the right path to your avr-gcc binaries, and edit this path in Makefile

TOOLCHAIN_PATH = ~/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/avr-gcc/7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino5/bin

6) Test if it works

Try out this test sequence:

make          # Compile code
make flash    # Upload hex image
make serial   # Connect serial to board

The last make serial should show scrolling lines with Hello world!

If it scrolls it means everything is working and its all a go!

Quit serial with CTRL+T Q

Roll it all your own

For those so inclined, the entire avr-toolchain can be compiled from scratch by following these instructions.

C Development

Now that the environment is up and functional, we should take a look at how C-development takes place.

Separate Compilation

The Makefile is set up for separate compilation which make for fast compile and linking. It will recurse through all folders of any depth and compile and link them.

All temporary object files are placed in the ./object folder to make the source-code folder less cluttered with temporary code. If you need to inspect the object-code just traverse the ./object folder.

You only have to add the header files to main.c with path and the linker resolves the rest for you.

  1. Edit your C-code

  2. Type make to separate compile the project code within the folder. This compiles all C-code and C-headers to object code and put it in the ./object folder. In the same step it links it to an executable ELF file and produce the HEX image for it with the name given in the Makefile labeled TARGET.

  3. Type make flash to upload the HEX image to the microcontroller.

  4. Type make serial to connect to the UART and lets you communicate with it.

  5. GOTO 1.

  • Type make clean to remove temporary object code and compiled files.

  • Type make fuse to set the fuses, labeled FUSES in the Makefile

  • Type make install to compile and set fuses at the same time.

  • Type make deploy to create an MD5-typed image with timestamp in the ./deploy folder

The Arduino Nano Every on-board JTAG2UPDI programmer is known to be difficult to enter programming mode when printing to the serial monitor. So make flash migth fail several times in a row if you do heavy use of the UART.

AVR-GCC Compiler and Libc library

Most fundamental for developing in C for the AVR microcontrollers is knowledge in the avr-gcc compiler and the AVR Libc library. The AVR Libc 2.1.0 Manual is absolutely crusial for understanding the capabilities of these microcontrollers. All code you find on GitHub or other resources directly or indirectly reference these. Having the [avr-gcc compiler flags](doc/avr-gcc compiler flags.html) is also necessary.

When you read the datasheet for the atmega4809 microcontroller it is handy to look at its header file for naming conventions on registers and ports in C-code so it comply with standard development on the AVR platform.

Image Deployment

Once a HEX image is ready for the test phase it should go into deployment.

make deploy

In the ./deploy directory you find the hex-image with its MD5 checksum so it can be verified in the future to be a valid image without corrupted bits or bytes.


Not knowing which image is the correct one and go into production can make it or break it. Always know which image you are testing and using for production.

Some C Books

The C Programming Language (sometimes termed K&R, after its authors' initials) is a computer programming book from 1978 written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, the latter of whom originally designed and implemented the language, as well as co-designed the Unix operating system with which development of the language was closely intertwined. The book was central to the development and popularization of the C programming language and is still widely read and used today. Because the book was co-authored by the original language designer, and because the first edition of the book served for many years as the de facto standard for the language, the book was regarded by many to be the authoritative reference on C. Its old but still a good read if you find it cheap in the thrift shop!

Modern C by Jens Gustedt 2019. Modern C introduces you to modern day C programming, emphasizing the unique and new features of this powerful language. For new C coders, it starts with fundamentals like structure, grammar, compilation, and execution. From there, you’ll advance to control structures, data types, operators, and functions, as you gain a deeper understanding of what’s happening under the hood. In the final chapters, you’ll explore performance considerations, reentrancy, atomicity, threads, and type-generic programming. You’ll code as you go with concept-reinforcing exercises and skill-honing challenges along the way. Modern C focuses on the new and unique features of modern C programming. The book is based on the latest C standards and offers an up-to-date perspective on this tried-and-true language. This is an updated and extended version of Kernighan & Ritchie, and covers everything and more. Its style covers perfectly embedded development in C. Get it!!

Algorithms With C by Kyle Loudon shows you how to use essential data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, sets, trees, heaps, priority queues, and graphs. He explains how to use algorithms for sorting, searching, numerical analysis, data compression and data encryption. A little goldmine for embedded development!

Makefile internals

TARGET: The name of the project, resulting name is TARGET.hex. Change it to a proper name for your project

CLOCK: The fuses are set to 16MHz and default for 4809 is to divide by 6 that gives 2666666

FUSES: These are given in the datasheet

DEVICE: You can get the proper name to support other AVR MCUs than 4809 in Microchip Packs Repository

PARTNO that goes into the avrdude command line comes from the list of supported AVR microcontrollers in the avrdude manual . Here you can find all supported devices. So m4809 is a short for ATmega4809. If you want to use another microcontroller, just look it up in the list.

Unless you get DEVICE and PARTNO right it will not compile and upload correctly, it is bad at guessing.

TOOLCHAIN_PATH: This refers into the library directory of the Arduino distribution, ~/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/avr-gcc/7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino5/bin. A problem with this is that it can change if a new Arduino IDE installation takes place and removes the old one. A remedy to this is to copy the AVR toolchain out of Arduino IDE to a safe place like:

cp ~/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/avr-gcc/7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino5/bin \

AVR_HAXX_PATH: This should not really reside in the same folder as the code, but shold be moved to the same folder as TOOLCHAIN_PATH resides in, so:

mv avr_haxx /Volumes/Sky/AVR/avr_haxx

Now AVR toolchain resides on an external disk. The compiler suite will not be corrupted or change over time, even if we switch, update or reinstall the computer.


The updated paths in the Makefile should look like:

TOOLCHAIN_PATH  = /Volumes/Sky/AVR/avr-toolchain/bin
AVR_HAXX_PATH   = /Volumes/Sky/AVR-GCC/avr_haxx	

The C-project folders now only need the Makefile and C-code to compile and flash.

To understand and further develop the Makefile you need to learn how makefiles work. It is a bit tricky for young players, but once you got the hang of it, its really makes the day!


AVRDUDE - AVR Downloader Uploader - is a program for downloading and uploading the on-chip memories of Atmel’s AVR microcontrollers. It can program the Flash and EEPROM, and where supported by the serial programming protocol, it can program fuse and lock bits. AVRDUDE also supplies a direct instruction mode allowing one to issue any programming instruction to the AVR chip regardless of whether AVRDUDE implements that specific feature of a particular chip. For changing parameters in AVRDUDE have a look in the manual.

We use a locally installed version of AVRDUDE and not the one in the Arduino avr-gcc toolchain.

Support of Other AVR Microcontrollers

The avr_haxx has included files to support the megaAVR® 0-Series of microcontrollers:

If you want to add support for other microcontrollers from AVR you can peek into Microchip Packs Repository and click on the links to find your controller. When you have found it, download the pack to your computer. It is called something like Microchip.ATmega_DFP.3.0.158.atpack. It's really just a zip archive with .atpack extention so rename it to .zip and unpack it and enter into its directory.

  • Copy the relevant microcontroller folder from Microchip.ATmega_DFP.3.0.158.atpack/gcc/dev/ to the local avr_haxx/devices folder

  • Copy the relevant microcontroller header from Microchip.ATmega_DFP.3.0.158.atpack/include/avr/ to the local avr_haxx/include/avr/ folder

Remember to also make the relavant changes to the Makefile for it to work! You need to update DEVICE, PARTNO, CLOCK, FUSES, PROGRAMMER and compiler flags

Arduino Nano Every Pinout

References and Further Resources

Far Inside The Arduino: Nano Every Supplement

Tom Almy has a written an excellent book (Far Inside The Arduino: Nano Every Supplement) on the internals of the Nano Every board and have a homepage that is updated regularly on the Arduino Nano Every board and software projects conneted to it. He has some interesting blog posts about FreeRTOS on the ATmega4809 (Arduino Nano Every)

Whats in The Box - Arduino Nano Every Package