
Course webpage for COMP3111/COMP3111H Software Engineering at HKUST

COMP3111/COMP3111H Course Webpage


28/8/2017: There is no tutorial on 1/9/2017.

Course Information


COMP3111 Methods and tools for planning, designing, implementing, validating, and maintaining large software systems. Project work to build a software system as a team, using appropriate software engineering tools and techniques.

Exclusion(s): COMP 3111H, ISOM 3210, RMBI 4420 (prior to 2016-17) Prerequisite(s): COMP 2012 OR COMP 2012H

COMP3111H General methodologies, techniques, and tools for planning, designing, implementing, validating, and maintaining large-scale software systems. Collaborative development environment, automatic static analysis, and testing techniques. Open source project development methodologies and techniques.

Exclusion(s): COMP 3111, ISOM 3210, RMBI 4420 (prior to 2016-17) Prerequisite(s): Grade A- or above in COMP 2012 / COMP 2012H

Lecture Schedule

Section Time Venue
--- Lecture ---
3111-L1 TuTh 10:30AM - 11:50AM Rm 2465, Lift 25-26
3111-L2/3111H TuTh 12:00PM - 01:20PM LT-D
--- Tutorial ---
3111-T1 Fr 06:00PM - 06:50PM Rm 1104, Acad Concourse
3111-T2 Th 05:00PM - 05:50PM Rm 1104, Acad Concourse
3111H-T1 Fr 06:00PM - 06:50PM To Be Confirmed
--- Lab ---
3111-LA1 Fr 11:00AM - 11:50AM Rm 4210, Lift 19
3111-LA2 Th 06:00PM - 06:50PM Rm 4210, Lift 19
3111-LA3 Tu 03:00PM - 03:50PM Rm 4210, Lift 19
3111H-LA1 Mo 04:00PM - 04:50PM Rm 4210, Lift 19

Tentative Schedule (Please understand the schedule is still under review and subjected to change)

Wk # Milestones/ Assignment/ Exam Lecture (Tu/Th) Lab (Mo/Tu/Th/Fr) Tutorial (Th/Fr)
# Date Topic # Lab Topic # Topic
1 1 5-Sep Overview and Project Introduction 1 (7-8/9) Introduction / git / Java
2 7-Sep Java
2 3 12-Sep Java Spring 1 Deploying a chatbot 2 Java/Spring
4 14-Sep Mastering Git/Github
3 Sep 22: 5 19-Sep Development process I (code review/pair programming) 2 Chatbot with File 3 Database
Team formation Finalized 6 21-Sep Development process II (Agile process scrum)
4 Sep 27: Milestone 0 7 28-Sep Requirements 3 Chatbot with DB Collecting User Requirement from TA
8 29-Sep UML (class diagram & user case)
5 9 3-Oct Design Patterns 1 No lab Collecting User Requirement from TA
5-Oct Mid-Autumn Festival
6 Oct 12: Milestone 1 10 10-Oct Design Patterns 2 4 Creating classes from UML Q & A
11 12-Oct Design Patterns 3
7 Midterm 12 17-Oct (7-9PM) No class in the morning No lab 4 UML workshop
13 19-Oct Refactorings/Code Review
8 14 24-Oct Debugging (reasoning) / DBG tools (profilers, dbg) 5 Design Pattern 5 Design Pattern
15 26-Oct White-box testing
9 Nov 3: Milestone 2 16 31-Oct Black box Testing 6 Refactoring Presenting Milestone 2 and Feedback
17 2-Nov Automatic testing (random, symbolic, concolic)
10 Nov 6: TA Intervention of Team conflict 18 7-Nov Joel Testing + CI No lab Q & A
19 9-Nov Automatic bug fixing
11 20 14-Nov Deep API No lab 6 Javadoc
Midterm II 21 16-Nov (7-9PM) No class in the morning
12 Nov 20: Milestone 3 22 21-Nov Deep API 2 7 Javadoc 7 Testing and Debug
23 23-Nov Data-Driven Programming (Deep Learning)
13 24 28-Nov Final presentation No lab No Tutorial
25 30-Nov Final presentation

Lab Page

Click the above link to find the lab page.

Self Learning material

You are supposed to read the self-learning material according to the lab schedule.

Teaching Team

Role Name github email room
Instructor Prof. Sung Kim @hunkim humkim at cse 2527
TA Dr. Kevin Wang @khwang0 kevinw at cse TBA
TA Hu Jiajun @RichardHoOoOo jhuao at cse
TA WEI, Lili @frankFic lweiae at cse
TA Wong Kam Kwai @gzwongkk kkwongar at connect
TA Kwan Victor Wing-Chuen @victorkwan vwkwan at connect
TA Tang Wensheng @legendtang wtangae at cse
TA Chen Fuxiang @cfuxiang fchenaa at cse
TA Kim Mijung @mjkim720 mjkimab at cse


  • individual assignment 10%
  • lab 10%
  • midterm I 20%
  • midterm II 20%
  • group project 40%

Assessment Rubrics

Course Learning Outcome Exemplary (A- to A+) Competent (C to B+) Needs Work (D to C- ) Unsatisfactory (F)
1. Modeling applications The student is able to apply appropriate modeling techniques to design software for an application of medium complexity. The student is able to model and document data and processing requirements for an application using a modeling language and implement a disciplined software design for an application. The student is able to apply appropriate modeling techniques to design software for an application of medium complexity with some help from TA and/or instructors. The student is able to model and document data and processing requirements for an application using a modeling language and implement a disciplined software design for an application with a few errors. The student is not able to apply appropriate modeling techniques to design software for an application of medium complexity, but he/she can understand provided solutions. The student is not able to model and document data and processing requirements for an application using a modeling language and implement a disciplined software design for an application but he/she can understand provided solutions. The student is not able to apply appropriate modeling techniques to design software for an application of medium complexity, but he/she cannot understand provided solutions. The student is not able to model and document data and processing requirements for an application using a modeling language and implement a disciplined software design for an application but he/she cannot understand provided solutions.
2.Implementing applications The student is able to apply appropriate software engineering techniques to implement an application of medium complexity. The student can transform requirements for an application, expressed in a modeling language, into a working software system, select appropriate algorithms to implement the stated requirements and design and implement a variety of tests to validate that a software system meets its stated requirements. The student is able to apply appropriate software engineering techniques to implement an application of medium complexity with some help. The student can transform requirements for an application, expressed in a modeling language, into a working software system, select appropriate algorithms to implement the stated requirements and design and implement a variety of tests to validate that a software system meets its stated requirements with a few errors. The student is barely able to apply appropriate software engineering techniques to implement an application of medium complexity even with much help. The student is barely able to transform requirements for an application, expressed in a modeling language, into a working software system, select appropriate algorithms to implement the stated requirements and design and implement a variety of tests to validate that a software system meets its stated requirements with some errors. The student is not able to apply appropriate software engineering techniques to implement an application of medium complexity even with much help. The student is not able to transform requirements for an application, expressed in a modeling language, into a working software system, select appropriate algorithms to implement the stated requirements and design and implement a variety of tests to validate that a software system meets its stated requirements with some errors.
3. Function effectively as a member of a software development team: organize, manage and participate in a small software development team and plan and schedule the activities involved in developing the software for a medium-sized application. The student can play various roles in a software development team. The student demonstrates both technical skills, project management skills, and mastery of the tools used in the project. The student can successfully play a particular role in the team and demonstrate good technical skills according to the project compilation requirement. The student can barely work as a member of the team. With help, the student can complete a significant part of the team assignment. The student cannot work as a member of the team. The student cannot communicate with the team members and cannot complete the team assignment.